Scene 2-3 Tutorial Class ~個別指導クラス~
The next day at school, Carl is telling one of his friends, Nick, about the bad news he received last night.
Carl: Dude, the worst thing happened to me yesterday.
Nick: What?
Carl: Mr. Mackey ratted me out to my parents. He told them that I was slacking and not paying enough attention in class.
Nick: That’s the worst!
Carl: Tell me about it.
Nick: So what happens now?
Carl: Well, my folks are going to talk to him next week sometime.
Nick: About how to improve stuff?
Carl: Yeah, something like that. Anyway I don’t think my Dad’s too happy with Mackey. He gave me “the talk” last night, but he didn’t seem totally on Mackey’s side.
Nick: Well, I hope it works out. It would totally suck if you got stuck with tutorial or something.
Carl: Yeah. Oh Damn! We’re going to be late for class.
To be continued…
Words & Phrases
Carl: よー、昨日は最低なことがあったんだ。
Nick: 何?
Carl: マッケイ先生が親にチクったんだよ。オレが授業中にダレてて集中してないって。
Nick: 最低〜!
Carl: まったく。
Nick: で、どうなった?
Carl: う〜ん、親は来週のいつか、先生と話し合うって。
Nick: どうしたら良くなるかってことについて?
Carl: そう、そんなようなこと。とりあえず、パパはマッケイのことあんまり気に入ってないと思うんだ。昨日の晩「説教」されたけど、完全にマッケイの味方って感じじゃなかった。
Nick: それなら、なんとかなるよ。個別指導とかに入れられたら全く最低だよな。
Carl: うん。あ、いけね!授業に遅れるぞ。