Scene 4-4 Office Politics ~社内でのかけひき~
This is still the same day as in the previous dialogues. Ted is still at the office, working over-time. Barbara, who forgot her bag, comes in and discovers Ted working.
Barbara: Hey, Ted! You’re here late. What are you doing?
Ted: Oh, Barbara, hey. I’ve got a lot of work here to do for the new Gleason and Wabash accounts. There’s a big report I have to have done for my meeting with the guy from Wabash tomorrow.
Barbara: Right, right. That sucks, huh?
Ted: Yeah, I guess. So what are you doing here?
Barbara: I forgot my bag. Do you like it? It’s a Hermes. I saw it last week over at Sullivan’s, and it was half price. So I said to Cindy, ‘Should I?’ And she’s all like, ‘Oh, go ahead.’ So I splurged and bought it.
Ted: Yeah, that’s great, Barbara, but I’ve really got to keep working.
Barbara: Suit yourself…Hey, I’m going for a couple of drinks to celebrate my new job with Grace and a few others. You wanna come?
Ted: Nah, as I said, I’ve really got to keep working.
Barbara: Alright. See you tomorrow. Be on time. Hah. Hah. Hah.
Ted: Yeah, see you, Barbara.
Words & Phrases
Barbara: あら、テッド。まだいたの。何してるの?
Ted: あ、バーバラ。やあ。新しいグリーソンとウォバシュの取引の件で、やらなきゃいけない仕事がたくさんあってね。あしたウォバシュと打ち合わせがあるから、大事なレポートを仕上げてしまわなきゃいけないんだ。
Barbara: そうか、そうか。たいへんねぇ。
Ted: ああ、まあね。で、君はここで何をしているの?
Barbara: バッグを忘れちゃって。これいいでしょ?エルメスなの。先週サリバンで見たら、半額だったのよ。だからシンディに言ったの。「買うべきかしら?」そしたら、「あ、そうしたら」って感じだったんで、思い切って買っちゃった。
Ted: すごいね、バーバラ。でも、僕は本当に仕事を続けないと。
Barbara: お好きなように…ねえ、これからグレースやあと何人かと、私の昇進祝いでちょっと飲みにいくんだけど、来ない?
Ted: いや、言ったとおり、僕は仕事しないといけないから。
Barbara: わかったわ。また明日。時間どおりにね。ハ、ハ、ハ。
Ted: ああ、さよなら、バーバラ。