
Joke 60 中級

A Robot

一般ネタ ★★★


Two friends meet in the office of one of them, a notorious techo-geek.
"Hey, bud, how are ya?"
"I'm good. Congratulations, that new secretary of yours is beautiful!"
"Well, I'm glad you like her. Believe it or not, she's a robot!"
"No way, how could that be?"
"Way! She's the latest model from Japan. Let me tell you how she works. If you squeeze her left tit, she takes dictation. If you squeeze her right tit, she types a letter. And that's not all,
she can have sex, too!"
"Holy shit! You're kidding, right?"
"No, she's something, huh? Tell you what, you can even borrow her"

So, his friend takes her into the restroom and is in there with her for a while. Suddenly, he hears him screaming "Eeeeyaaaaa! Heeelp! Ooooooh! Aaaaaaah! Eeeeeeeeeeeaaargghhhh!"

The guy says, "Shit! Perhaps I should have told him that her ass is a pencil sharpener!"




Words & Phrases

notorious: (通例悪い意味で)有名な、悪名高い

techo-geek: ハイテクオタク

bud: 相棒

secretary: 秘書

believe it or not: 信じようが信じまいが

squeeze: 圧搾する

tit: 乳房

take dictation: 口述を書き取る

Holy shit!: ひゃっ(強い驚きを表す)

something: 大した人物

tell you what: ちょっと話を聞いてくれ