Lesson 14
Megan is asking her mother to let her backpack around Europe.
Megan is asking her mother to let her backpack around Europe.
Megan: Hey, Mom. I want to backpack around Europe this summer. What do you think?
Mother: Back pack around Europe? That sounds dangerous! You shouldn’t go by yourself. You ought to go with someone.
Megan: Yes, I’ve thought of that.
Mother: And you’d better talk to your father first.
Megan: I already did. He thinks it’s a great idea. He wants to come with me!
You shouldn't go by yourself.
"by oneself" で「〜だけで」という意味になります。
ex) I have finished this project by myself.
You ought to go with someone.
"ought" は義務・適当・必要などを表して「〜すべきである」 「〜した方がよい」という意味。"should"よりはやや強い意味に使われます。
ex) You ought to be more careful.
You really ought to apologize.
I've thought of that.
ex) A: If you want to learn English in a short time, you should stay with American family."
B: Yes, I have thought of that."
(A: 短い間に英語を身に付けたいならば、アメリカ人の家にホームステイすべきだよ)
(B: うん、私もそう考えたの)
You'd better talk to your father first.
"You'd" = "You would"でこの場合の "would"は意志未来を表します。 そして、"would better"で「〜した方がいい」という意味になります。
ex) You would better talk to your teacher before you get a trouble.
I already did.
"already"は「もう、すでに」という意味で、副詞なのでbe動詞 (is, are, wasなど)の後ろに入り、do動詞(walk, talk, eatなど)の前に入ります。
ex) It is already ten.
I have already eaten my dinner.
Words & Phrases
Megan: ねえ、お母さん、この夏休みにヨーロッパにバックパックの旅に出ようと思うんだけど、どう思う?
Mother: ヨーロッパへバックパックの旅? そんなの危なそうだわね! ひとりじゃ行けないわよ。誰かと一緒じゃなきゃ。
Megan: うん、私もそう思ったわ。
Mohter: それから、お父さんに最初に話した方がいいわね。
Megan: そうしたよ。そしたら、それは良いアイディアだって言ってくれたの。お父さんも一緒に行きたいって!