Lesson 75
Jack and Ayumi are talking about the past when they were high school students.
Jack and Ayumi are talking about the past when they were high school students.
Jack: What were you like when you were a high school student Ayumi?
Ayumi: Well, I wasn’t a very good student! I was more into fashion and music than anything else. I used to have really long hair.
Jack: No way! I can’t imagine that! You’ve had short hair ever since I’ve known you.
Ayumi: Yep, but it hasn’t always been that way. How about you? What did you used to get up to at high school?
Jack: I worked for my exams, but apart from that I didn’t do too much at school. We had some great parties on the weekends. That was a lot of fun.
Ayumi: Yeah, I really enjoyed not having many responsibilities at all.
Jack: That was good, though being poor wasn’t so good!
What were you like when you were a high school student Ayumi?
ex) What is she like?
It's not like you to act like that.
No way! I can't imagine that!
驚きをあらわす「No way!(まさか!)」。ビックリした顔してさけびましょう。
Yep, but it hasn't always been that way.
"have always been"は「(いま現在も含めて)ずっと〜だった」という意味になります。
ex) A: Have you always been a bus driver?
B: Nope. I used to be a ball player.
(A: ずっとバスの運転手さんだったんですか?)
(B: いや、昔は野球選手でした)
What did you used to get up to at high school?
"get up to"には「〜にふける」という意味があります。"What were you into at high school?"ともいえます。
I worked for my exams, but apart from that I didn't do too much at school.
「〜以外は」の意味をあらわす"apart from"。同じ意味として"besides"があります。
ex) I've been busy with work, but apart from that I haven't been doing anything interesting.
Words & Phrases
Jack: 高校生だった頃はどんなふうだったの、アユミ?
Ayumi: うーん、あんまり優等生ではなかったわ。どっちかっていうとファッションだとか音楽とかに夢中だったかなあ。当時はもっとながい髪だったのよ。
Jack: ウソー! そりゃ想像できないよ! だって、ぼくの知ってるアユミはいつもみじかい髪だもん。
Ayumi: うん、でもずっとみじかかったわけじゃないのよ。そういうジャックは?学校では何に没頭してた?
Jack: 試験勉強だね。それ以外は特にやってないなあ。週末には大パーティーをやってたけどね。あれはおもしろかったなあ。
Ayumi: うんうん、あの頃は義務もなにもなかったから楽しかったよね。
Jack: 義務がないってのはよかったよね。まあ、貧乏ってのはあんまりいいもんじゃなかったけど。