Lesson 316
Jennifer hears a surprising rumour about her workmate Adam. She asks him if it's true.
Jennifer hears a surprising rumour about her workmate Adam. She asks him if it's true.
J: Adam, I just heard the most unbelievable rumour that you’re
quitting The Times and going to take up another job in Australia!
Surely it’s not true?
A: It is true, Jen.
J: My God, why? You’ve got such a great job here, and surely know
they had you slated to take over from Simon as head business
writer when he retires next year.
A: I got a better offer, Jen. It’s going to be really great.
I haven’t felt this optimistic for ages.
J: But you’ll be living and working in a totally different country!
Isn’t that daunting?
A: I think it’s going to be the change I’ve been looking for.
It’s kind of liberating to think that I’ll be starting almost
from scratch again.
J: Where will you be working?
A: At a fledgling TV network. I’m going to be head reporter for
a current affairs show. The leap from print to TV is huge, but
it’ll be a great challenge!
J: Wow! That does sound cool! Go for it!
you're quitting The Times and going to take up another job in Australia!
"take up"にはさまざまな意味がありますが、ここでは「(仕事)を始める」。趣味や研究などを始める場合にも、この表現を使えます。
ex: Sammy Sosa took up baseball relatively late in his youth.
they had you slated to take over from Simon as head business writer when he retires next year.
"slate"は「〜を候補者とする」という意味で、ここでは"have someone slated"という形で使われています。また、"take over"は「仕事を引き継ぐ」。
It's kind of liberating to think that I'll be starting almost from scratch again.
"from scratch"で「最初から、ゼロから」という意味の決まり表現。
単に"from beginning"と言い換えることもできます。"from scratch to finish"(ゼロから始めて完成まで)という表現も覚えておきましょう。
ex: How can I build a computer from scratch?
Go for it!
"Go for it!"で「頑張れ、やってみろ!」。人を励まし、行動を促す現です。
ex: Are you going to ask her out? Go for it!
Words & Phrases
J: アダム、ホントに信じられないような噂を耳にしちゃったんだけど、
て? そんなの絶対うそでしょ?
A: ホントだよ、ジェン。
J: いやだ、どうして? ここでこんなに良い仕事してるし、来年サイモンが
A: もっといいオファーがきたんだよ、ジェン。すごくいい仕事になるよ。
J: でも、住むところも働くところも、まったく別の国じゃない! それって
A: これが自分が求めてた、これまでとは違う新しいことになると思うんだ。
J: どこで働くの?
A: 始まったばかりのテレビ・ネットワークだよ。時事問題の番組でヘッド・
J: へー! カッコいいかもね! 頑張ってね!