Lesson 315
Abby is waiting to meet her friend Roger, who is running late.
Abby is waiting to meet her friend Roger, who is running late.
R: Hey, Abby! Sorry to keep you waiting. I locked my keys in my
office along with my wallet and cell phone, so I had to go and
get the security guard to open the door for me.
A: You locked your keys in your office again? That’s the third
time this month you’ve done that.
R: I keep forgetting about the new auto-lock system they’ve
installed in our building. It’s fine during work hours when
everybody is there and the doors are left open, but in the
weekends, the doors are kept closed so you need a key to get in.
I was running late to meet you, and was in such a hurry that
I went out to the washroom without taking my key with me.
A: How embarrassing! Mind you, these things always happen when
you’re in a rush, don’t they? I remember the time I was
running late for my friend’s wedding and managed to drive
halfway to the church before realizing I still had my
slippers on!
R: No way! Now that’s embarrassing!
I locked my keys in my office along with my wallet and cell phone
カギをおいたままドアを閉めてしまうこと、車なんかでよくありますね。これは決まり文句として、"locked one's keys in 〜"、"I locked myself out"、"I got locked out"という表現がありますので、そのまま覚えておきましょう。
ex: I locked my keys in my car!
Mind you, these things always happen when you're in a rush, don't they?
"Mind you"は、相手の注意や関心を引くために用いる表現で、「いいかい、よく聞いてよ」という意味になります。ここでは比較的軽い意味合いで使われています。
I was running late for my friend's wedding
"be running late"で、「予定よりも時間がかかってしまっている」という意味になります。予定通りに進んでいれば"be running to time"、予定より早く進んでいれば、"be running ahead of time"となります。
ex: Because you're always running late, you feel pressured and flustered by anything.
Words & Phrases
R: アビー! 待たせてごめんな。財布と携帯と一緒に、カギをオフィスに
A: またカギをオフィスに置いたままドアを閉めちゃったの? それやった
R: ビルに設置された新しいオートロックのシステムを、いつも忘れちゃう
A: みっともない! あのさ、こういうのって、忙しいときにやっちゃわない?
R: マジかよ! そっちのほうがみっともないや!