Lesson 382
Julie is talking to her husband Brad about Brad's sister Mandy, who has just found out her boyfriend David has been arrested for assault.
Julie is talking to her husband Brad about Brad's sister Mandy, who has just found out her boyfriend David has been arrested for assault.
J: Brad, I just got a call from Mandy. She was really upset.
B: What happened?
J: David was arrested for assault this afternoon.
B: He what?! Who’d he hit?
J: Apparently he lost his temper with a 7-11 employee and threw
a can of Coke at him.
B: I don’t know how Mandy puts up with that guy. That’s the
second time in two years he’s gone and done something stupid
like that. The guy can’t keep his temper under control!
J: Well, I don’t think she’ll be putting up with him much longer.
I’ve never heard her so mad.
B: So she should be. I mean, she gave the guy an ultimatum last
time he went off the rails and he promised he’d turn over a
new leaf.
J: Well, I think today’s incident is the last straw. She says
she’s had enough.
B: Good. I hope she gets rid of him. And I’m going to have a
few choice words to say to David too. How dare he put my
little sister through something like that again!
Apparently he lost his temper with a 7-11 employee
“lose one's temper with 〜" は、「〜に平常心を失う、〜にカッとなる、〜にキレる、〜に腹を立てる」というイディオムになる。その他の表現として、“lose one's temper easily" 「気が短い」、"lose one's temper quickly" 「カッとなる」、"tend to lose one's temper" 「キレやすい」などがある。
Ex. I lost my temper and told him where to go.
I don't know how Mandy puts up with that guy.
“put up with 〜" で 「〜を我慢する」という意味。あきらめて我慢するという意味合いが強く、bear、endure、tolerate よりもくだけた言い方になる。
Ex. I'm not going to put up with his rudeness any longer!
I mean, she gave the guy an ultimatum last time he went off the rails
“go off the rails"には、そのまま「列車などが脱線する」という意味と、「おかしくなる、はめを外す、計画などが狂う」という意味がある。go のかわりに、come、runでも大丈夫。
Ex. If you're not careful, your son is going to go off the rails when he gets older.
he promised he'd turn over a new leaf.
“turn over a new leaf" は、「改心する、心機一転、再出発する」という意味のイディオム。
Ex. This year I'm going to turn over a new leaf and study more.
Well, I think today's incident is the last straw.
「まあ、今日の事件で堪忍の緒が切れたんじゃない。」“last straw" は、「堪忍の緒が切れる、我慢の限界だ」という意味で、諺の"It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back" 「大事の引き金となるのは、最後の一小事だ。(わら1本でも限度を超えたら、ラクダの背骨が折れてしまう)」からきている。日常会話では、“last straw"だけを使う。
Ex. That's the last straw! We're going home!
J: ブラッド、たった今マンディーから電話があったわ。彼女すごく動揺
B: 何があったの?
J: デイビットが今日の午後暴行で逮捕されたの。
B: 彼がなんで?!誰を殴ったんだ?
J: セブンイレブンの店員にキレて、コーラの缶を投げつけたみたい。
B: マンディはよくあいつに我慢できるよな。この2年の間で2回目だぜ、
J: うーん、もう彼女も我慢の限界だと思う。あんなに怒った彼女見たこと
B: そう、それでいいよ。ってゆーか、前回彼がおかしくなった時、彼女が
J: まあ、今日の事件で堪忍の緒が切れたんじゃない。彼女、もうたくさん
B: よかった。彼から離れられればいいな。俺からもデイビットに少しきつ