Lesson 456
Doug and Sally, two friends, are talking about the upcoming soccer world cup and about whom they think will win.
Doug and Sally, two friends, are talking about the upcoming soccer world cup and about whom they think will win.
S: You know, I was thinking the other day, there are only a few
months left before the world cup.
D: I know. I can’t wait. I have a feeling this year’s world cup is
going to be great.
S: I hope so. Who do you think’s going to win it this time?
D: Well, I like England, so I’m hoping for England. But I’d have to
say Brazil is the favourite.
S: That’s what most people are saying. My money’s on Italy and I think
Germany with the hometown advantage will be a force to reckon with.
D: That’s true…You know, the only bad thing about this year’s world
cup is that it’s in Germany. With the time difference, games won’t
be on until the middle of the night.
S: Yeah. We were spoiled the last time when it was here in Japan.
Oh well, I guess we’ll just have to record the games and avoid the
result until we can watch them the next day.
I have a feeling this year's world cup is going to be great.
"have a feeling 〜"は「〜という気がする、感じがする、予感がする」
という意味。"have a feeling for 〜"になると「〜のセンスがある、
Ex: I won 1 million yen! I had a feeling I'd win the lottery!
My money's on Italy
"my money is on 〜"は「〜に賭ける」という意味。他には、"bet on",
"have a gamble on", "lay a wager on", "stake on", "put a lot
of stock into"などの言い方もある。また、"money"を使った
イディオムには、"on the money"「ぴったりである、完璧である」、
"coin money"「荒稼ぎする、どんどん儲ける」、"money for jam"
「あぶく銭、思いがけない上手い話」、"money in the bank"「絶対
Ex: My money was on Yutaka Take, but he lost! I can't believe it!
Germany with the hometown advantage will be a force to reckon with.
"reckon with"は「(手ごわいものとして)考慮にいれる」という意味。
"person to be reckoned with"「侮れない人、手ごわい人」、
"something to be reckoned with"「無視できないもの、侮れないもの」
Ex: He is a man to be reckoned with.
S: あのね、この間考えてたんだけど、ワールドカップまで、後数ヶ月を
D: そうだね。待ち遠しいよ。今年のワールドカップは凄くなる気がするな。
S: そうだと良いわ。今回はどこが勝つと思う?
D: う〜ん、僕はイギリスが好きだから、イギリスに勝って欲しいね。だけど、
S: それは、大抵の人が言うことね。私はイタリアに賭けるわ。それに、
D: その通りだな…今年のワールドカップの悪い点は、ドイツ開催ってこと
S: そうね。前回はここ日本で開催だったから、私たち甘やかされたものね。