Lesson 519
Harry is in London on a business trip. He has a free afternoon so he asks the clerk at his hotel for some advice about where to visit.
Harry is in London on a business trip. He has a free afternoon so he asks the clerk at his hotel for some advice about where to visit.
C: Good morning, sir.
H: Good morning. I have a few hours free today and was wondering
if you could recommend some places to visit.
C: Certainly. Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey are very
popular attractions. If you head out to the palace now, you can
catch the changing of the guard at 11:30.
H: I see. Well, I’m not really into the monarchy and all that.
Is there anything else?
C: Oh. In that case, we have some wonderful museums. There’s the
National Maritime Museum, which is the largest maritime museum
in the world, and of course the British museum, which has a
wonderful exhibition of artefacts from the Pacific on now.
H: You know, museums aren’t really up my alley either.
C: Well sir, what are you interested in?
H: I don’t know, somewhere where I don’t have to strain my brain to
have a good time, you know?
C: Er, OK sir. Would you be interested in the British International
Motor Show?
H: Awesome! Cars! That’s more like it! Where is it?
C: Down at the Royal Victoria Dock. It’s right here on the map.
H: Great! Thanks for your help.
質問や依頼への返答の言葉。"absolutely"と同意語。"Yes, I
certainly will."の"certainly"以外を省略したもので、そのため、
Ex: "May I use your pen?" "Certainly."
Well, I'm not really into the monarchy and all that.
Ex: I'm very much into rock.
You know, museums aren't really up my alley either.
"be up someone's alley"は「(物事が人の)能力・趣味に適している、
お手の物である」という意味。"be up someone's street"とも言う。
名詞"alley"は「裏通り、路地、小道」という意味。"alley cat"は
Ex: Skydiving is up your alley, isn't it?
That's more like it!
"That's more like it."は「ずっと良い、良くなった、そっちの方が
"more like 〜"は「むしろ〜に近い、〜と言った方がずっと良い」と
Ex: "I cooked your steak for a bit longer."
"That's more like it. I hate steak when it's rare."
C: おはようございます。
H: おはようございます。今日、数時間空いていて、何箇所か行くところを、
C: もちろんです。バッキンガム宮殿とウェストミンスター寺院は、とても
H: そうですか。うーん、君主制とかには、あまり関心がないんです。他に
C: あっ。それでしたら、いくつか素晴らしい博物館があります。世界で
H: あのですね、博物館も、あまり私の好みに合わないんです。
C: では、お客様、何に興味がおありですか?
H: 何だろう、どこか、楽しむのに、私の頭を使う必要のない所かな?
C: う〜ん、分かりました。英国国際モーターショーは、興味がおありで
H: 素晴らしい!車!その方が良いです!どこですか?
C: ロイヤル・ヴィクトリア・ドックです。地図のここです。
H: よし!助かりました。