Scene 4-8 Orchard Road
It is Saturday afternoon. Hugh has helped Margot move most of her things into her new apartment, but had to leave for his polo match before they could quite finish. Margot is trying to finish the job by herself.
Margot: Oh, I knew I shouldn’t have trusted Hugh to get everything
done. I can’t carry these heavy boxes by myself. Why did
he have to go to that damn polo match anyway? This is much
more important. I’m his sister for God’s sake! Oh, this
box is so heavy! If I break a nail, I’m going to kill him!
Ryan: Er, excuse me, I think you just dropped this.
Margot: Oh, thank you! It must have fallen off the top of the box.
Um, could you just throw it on top or something?
Ryan: You look like you need a hand. You want me to help?
Margot: Would you? Oh thank you!
Ryan: Why don’t you give me the box and you can take this then.
Margot: OK. Are you able to get into the lift alright? It’s quite
Ryan: No problem. So, you’re moving in?
Margot: Yes. Well, I’m trying to anyway. I didn’t think it would
be quite as much of a hassle as it has been.
Ryan: These things always take longer than you think they will.
Which floor do you want?
Margot: The ninth.
Ryan: Really? I’m on the ninth floor too. What number are you?
Margot: 906.
Ryan: Well, nice to meet you neighbour. I’m in 905. My name’s
Ryan by the way. Ryan Stephenson.
Margot: Pleasure to meet you Ryan. I’m Margot Lancaster.
Ryan: The pleasure is all mine, Margot.
To be continued.
I knew I shouldn’t have trusted Hugh to get everything done.
“trust someone to 〜” で「(誰かに)〜をするのを任せる」という
Ex. You can trust me to get the work done.
could you just throw it on top or something?
“throw” は、主に「投げる」という意味で使われているが、ここの
Ex. Can you throw some sausages on the barbecue please?
You want me to help?
文法的に正しくいうと、この文章は “Do you want me to help?”
になるが、ここでは “do” を落とした。会話の時に、よく言葉を
Ex. You going to the party tonight?
So, you’re moving in?
“move in” で「(家・アパートに)引っ越す」という意味。反対は “move out” になる。
Ex. When are you going to move in?
The pleasure is all mine, Margot.
“the pleasure is all mine” で「どう致しまして、こちらこそ」という意味。挨拶やお礼に対して使う表現。
Ex.“Thank you for letting us stay with you.”
“The pleasure is all mine.”
M: あ〜あ、ヒューが全部やってくれると思ったのに、甘かったなぁ。
もぉ〜! こっちのほうがよっぽど大事じゃない。妹なのに、まったく。
あ〜この箱重〜い! 爪が折れたら、殺してやるから!
R: えー、すみませんが、これを落としたと思うんだけど。
M: あら、ありがとう。箱の上から落ちたのね。じゃあ、箱の上かどこか
R: 一人で大変そうだね。 手伝おうか?
M: 本当? ありがとう!
R: じゃあ、箱をこっちによこして、君はこれを持って。
M: OK。これを持ってエレベーターに入れる? 結構大きいわよ。
R: 大丈夫だよ。ってことは、君は引越しの真っ最中なの?
M: そうよ。まぁ、一応がんばってるけど、こんなに大変だと思わなかった
R: こういうことはいつも思ったより時間がかかるものだよね。 何階なの?
M: 9階よ。
R: マジで? 俺もだよ。 何号室?
M: 906号なの。
R: じゃあ、初めまして、お隣さん。俺は 905だ。ところで俺はライアン。
M: 初めまして、ライアン。マーゴ・ランカスターです。よろしくお願い
R: こちらこそよろしく、マーゴ。