Scene 9-7 Here, There and Everywhere
Gordon and Ellie have made it onto their bus and Ellie is checking to see how much money they have left. Gordon is feeling miserable about his moment of weakness.
Gordon: I really am sorry Ellie. I got carried away.
Ellie: You can say that again. “I’ll put everything on red!” indeed!
Huh! I’ll tell you where to put everything!
Gordon: Ellie! It was a moment of weakness, OK? I mean, if you were six
hundred dollars up you’d keep going wouldn’t you?
Ellie: Maybe I would, but I certainly wouldn’t bet the whole caboodle.
What were you thinking?
Gordon: I don’t know. I guess I just had visions of us doing the rest of
the trip in style. That plan sure backfired.
Ellie: Well, what’s done is done. I guess we’ll just have to rethink the
rest of the trip.
Gordon: (mumbles) I’m sorry Ellie. I just wanted us to have a good time…
Ellie: Oh Gordon! I hate it when you’re all mopey like this!
(sigh) Why is it that I can never stay angry at you? Oh boy.
Two hundred dollars down! Things are going to be tight.
Gordon: How much do we have left?
Ellie: $1100. We’re really going to have to tighten our belts.
Gordon: Well, I guess maybe we should start by finding somewhere cheaper
to stay in Phoenix.
Ellie: Oh yeah. That hotel I booked was a little on the pricey side,
wasn’t it?
Gordon: Maybe the guide book has somewhere cheaper we can stay, like a
youth hostel or something.
Ellie: Good idea. Here, take a look.
Gordon: Hmmm… Here’s one. It’s about ten minutes from the bus terminal
and the charge is only $12 a night.
Ellie: That sounds perfect. If we stick it out there a couple of nights,
it’ll give our finances a chance to recover.
Gordon: OK then. I’ll call the hotel to cancel our reservations and get
in touch with the youth hostel at the next rest stop.
Ellie: Sounds like a plan!
To be continued
I got carried away.
"get carried away"は「(正常な判断・行動ができなくなるほど)夢中に
使ったイディオムには、"carry off"「勝ち取る、持ち去る、誘拐する、
うまくやる、殺す、隠す」、"carry on"「続ける、行う、参加する、
取り乱す、おかしな振る舞いをする、経営する」、"carry through"
Ex: I got carried away and drank five bottles of wine.
Maybe I would, but I certainly wouldn't bet the whole caboodle.
"caboodle"は「群れ、束」という意味で、"the whole caboodle"で
「全部(の人、物)、何もかも」という意味になる。"whole kit and
Ex: I think it's time to throw out the whole caboodle: old shoes,
clothes, bags.
That plan sure backfired.
裏目、逆効果」という意味。「裏目に出る」という意味では、"have its
dark side","work negatively","go wrong"などの言い方もある。
Ex: I thought it was a good idea, but it backfired.
Well, what's done is done.
"what's done is done"は「済んだ事は仕方がない、後の祭り、もう
Ex: "I wish I had kept my mouth shut."
"Well, it's too late now. What's done is done."
That hotel I booked was a little on the pricey side, wasn't it?
Ex: That's a pricey dress.
If we stick it out there a couple of nights, it'll give our finances a chance to recover.
"stick it out"は「我慢する、じっと耐える、最後まで頑張る」という
ある。その他"stick"を使ったイディオムには、"stick at it"
「辛抱強くやる、こつこつやる」、"stick by"「忠実である、(約束・
主義など)堅く守る」、"stick up to"「抵抗する、屈しない」、
"stick it on"「法外な値段をふっかける、大げさに言う」などがある。
Ex: You decided to do this, so you should stick it out.
G: 本当にごめん、エリー。調子に乗ったよ。
E: 全くその通りね。「赤に全部賭けるぞ!」、全く!はっ!全部をどこに
G: エリー!あれは、一瞬の弱さだよ、分かってくれる?つまり、もし、君が
E: 多分ね、でも、絶対に全部は賭けないわ。何を考えてたの?
G: 分かんないよ。ただ俺たちが、贅沢に残りの旅行をしているのを、
E: まあ、済んだ事は仕方ないわ。残りの旅を考え直さないと、いけないわね。
G: (ブツブツ言う)ごめんよ、エリー。俺はただ、二人で楽しく
E: もー、ゴードン!そうやって、あなたがすっかり落ち込んでいるのは、
嫌いよ!(ため息) あなたのことは、ずっと怒っていられないのは
G: いくら残ってるの?
E: 1100ドルよ。私達、本当に倹約しなくちゃね。
G: じゃ、フェニックスで泊まる、どこかもっと安い所を探すことから
E: そうね。私が予約したホテルは、ちょっと高かったよね。
G: たぶん、ガイドブックに、俺たちが泊まれるユースホステルか何か、
E: 良い考えね。どうぞ、見て。
G: むーん・・・ 一つあるぞ。バス・ターミナルから10分で、料金は、
E: ぴったりじゃない。もし、そこで何泊か我慢すれば、私達の懐具合が
G: よし。次の休憩の停車で、俺たちの予約をキャンセルするために、
E: 良い考えね!