Scene 2-4 Slice of Heaven
Sara and Elliot have flown into Christchurch, New Zealand for the first day of their holiday. They arrive at the B&B where they are to spend their first night.
Sara: Elliot isn’t this place gorgeous! So romantic! Look! These French doors open out onto a little garden.
Elliot: Hmm, very nice.
Sara: According to the homepage, this place was built in the 1920’s and it’s listed with the New Zealand Historic Places trust.
Elliot: I can see why. Did you get a load of the chandelier in the hallway?
Sara: Wasn’t it gorgeous! And did you see the jukebox in the living room?
Elliot: I sure did. I can’t wait to sit back and relax with a drink later on and listen to some music. The owners are really friendly too. I just bumped into Bob outside when I went to get the rest of the bags and he asked us to join him and Glenda for wine and cheese this evening.
Sara: That sounds great! I’m looking forward to picking their brains about what to see and do around here.
Elliot: Speaking of food, I’m starving. Let’s go grab some lunch.
Sara: That sounds like a good idea. I’m famished too. Maybe we should ask Bob and Glenda if there are any restaurants or cafes near here they can recommend.
Elliot: I’m one step ahead of you. I already asked Bob and he gave me a map of the area. There’s a little shopping village just near here and he recommended a couple of places where they do great meals at a reasonable price.
Sara: Good one! And I wouldn’t mind going into town later and having a look around too. It’d be nice to stretch our legs with a walk around the Botanical Gardens.
Elliot: Great. What are we waiting for? Let’s go!
To be continued.
These French doors open out onto a little garden.
“open out” で「開く」、“out onto 〜” で「〜に出る」という意味がそれぞれあり、ここでは “open out onto” で連語として使われている。また、“open out” には「打ち解ける」、「道を譲る」などという意味もある。
Ex: Why don’t we step out onto the balcony?
Did you get a load of the chandelier in the hallway?
I can’t wait to sit back and relax with a drink later on
“I can’t wait to ~ ” で「〜するのが待ちきれない」の意味“to” の後にくる動詞は必ず原型です。 “sit back and relax” で「ゆったり座ってくつろぐ」の意味になる。 短くして、“sit back”だけでも使える。
Ex: I can’t wait until Saturday!
Sit back and enjoy the show.
I just bumped into Bob outside when I went to get the rest of the bags
“bump into 〜” で「〜と衝突する、〜にばったり出会う」の意味で、予期せぬ出来事のときに使われる。
Ex: They bumped into each other at the station.
I’m looking forward to picking their brains about what to see and do around here.
“looking forward to 〜” で「〜を楽しみにしている」の意味。
“pick someone’s brain” で、誰かの知識などを得るという「情報収集」という意味になる。
Ex: I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Judy knows a lot about architecture. Why don’t you pick her brain?
I’m one step ahead of you.
“one step ahead of” で「〜の一歩先を行く」の意味。ここでは、前の会話から見て、情報について言っているのが分かるので、「もう聞いちゃった」となる。
Ex. “Let’s call the theatre and find out the show times.”
“I’m one step ahead of you. I called this morning.”
It’d be nice to stretch our legs with a walk around the Botanical Gardens.
“stretch one’s legs”で「足を伸ばす、ちょっと歩いて足をほぐす、足を崩す」という意味。散歩して足をほぐす時の場合、”stretch one’s legs with a walk (to, around, etc) 〜” 「(〜まで・を など)散歩して足を伸ばす」というフレーズをよく使う。「足を崩す」の場合は、”stretch one’s legs out”をよく使う。
Ex. Why don’t we stretch our legs with a walk along the river?
S: エリオット、ここ素敵だね?!スゴくロマンチック!見て!フレンチドア
E: う〜ん、最高だね。
S: ホームページによるとこの建物は1920年に建てられていて、ニュージーラ
E: なるほどね。廊下のシャンデリア見た?
S: 凄かったね!リビングルームにあるジュークボックスも見た?
S: もちろん。あとでドリンクでも飲みながら音楽を聴いてくつろぐの待ちき
S: いいねぇ!ここでの見ることややることについていろいろ聞くの楽しみ
E: 食事といえば、メチャメチャお腹すいた。サッと昼食とりに行こう!
S: そうだね。私もお腹空いたわ。ボブとグレンダに近くにお勧めのレスト
E: 俺、もう聞いちゃったよ。さきボブに聞いて、その辺の地図もらっちゃ
S: やるじゃない!それと、後で町に行って見て歩くのもいいわね。植物園
E: よし。僕たち何をぐずぐずしてるんだぁ?行こう!