Scene 4-2 Orchard Road
Margot has arrived home after her shopping trip with Zoe, laden with shopping bags. Her father is waiting to talk to her..
Daddy: What’s with all the carry bags?
Margot: Oh, hello Daddy! Another wonderful day’s shopping. I found some
beautiful dresses.
Daddy: Margot, these are all designer clothes! How much did you spend today?
Margot: Only a few hundred. I didn’t spend all my salary, if that’s what
you’re worried about. Anyway, pay day will be in another couple of
Daddy: Listen Margot, we need to have a word. Sit down.
Margot: What’s the matter?
Daddy: Darling, your mother and I have been very concerned recently about
your blase attitude to money.
Margot: Blase? I’m not blase!
Daddy: Margot, you’ve only just started working and I know for a fact
your salary isn’t that great, so going out and spending hundreds
of dollars on clothes at a time shows me how irresponsible you are
with your money. You’ve been mollycoddled up until now and it’s
something that I’m beginning to regret. The fact you refuse to pay
us board and these repeated spending sprees have made us realise that
you have absolutely no concept of the value of money.
Margot: That’s not true!
Daddy: What’s more, you never lift a finger to help around the house and
I’ve lost count of the number of times your mother has cooked dinner
for you only to have you call at the last minute to say you’re
eating out.
Margot: But…but…
Daddy: So your mother and I have decided that it’s time to teach you a
lesson about pulling your own weight.
Margot: Well, alright I’ll pay you board if you want…
Daddy: No, you’re not going to learn anything by staying here. We think
the best way for you to learn is to move out.
Margot: What? Move out?! You’re kicking me out?!
Daddy: That’s right. You have until the end of the month to find new
Margot: Daddy!! That’s not fair! I don’t believe this!
To be continued.
What’s with all the carry bags?
“What’s with 〜” で「〜はどうしたの?」という意味。会話によく使うが、
ちょっと砕けている表現である。上記の文章を言い換えると、 “Why do
you have so many carry bags?” や “Why all the carry bags?” になる。
Ex. What’s with the sad face?
Listen Margot, we need to have a word.
What’s more, you never lift a finger to help around the house
“never lift a finger to 〜” で「〜をするのに指一本もあげない、
〜全然しない」という意味。 “never” の代わりに “do not”、
“rarely”、 “will not” など、他の否定的な言葉も使える。
Ex. She didn’t lift a finger to help her grandmother lift the
heavy boxes.
So your mother and I have decided that it’s time to teach you a lesson about pulling your own weight.
“to pull one’s own weight” で、「役割を十分果たす、自分の仕事を
Ex. The boss got angry with team members he felt were not pulling
their own weight.
You’re kicking me out?!
“to kick 〜 out” で「〜を追放する、追い出す」という意味。
“to get rid of 〜”、 “to chuck 〜out”、 “to show 〜 the door”
Ex. He caused such a disturbance that he was kicked out of the nightclub.
D: その買い物袋はどうしたんだい?
M: ああ、パパただいま。今日もいい買い物しちゃった。ステキなドレスを
D: マーゴ、これは全部ブランドものじゃないか! 今日はいくら使ったの?
M: ほんの数百ドルよ。お給料全部使ってないから安心して。まあ、あと2週間
D: マーゴ、話があるんだよ。座って。
M: どうしたの?
D: マーゴ、最近お母さんと私は君のお金に対する無頓着さを気にしているんだよ。
M: 無頓着? 私は違うわよ!
D: マーゴ、お前が勤め始めて給料がそんなに高くないことはわかっているよ。
M: それは違うわよ!
D: それに、家の手伝いを全然しないし、お母さんが夕食を準備してあげたのに、
M: でも…でも…
D: だからお母さんと私はお前を自分の責任で生活させることに決めた。
M: じゃあ、いいわ。お金を入れてほしかったら入れるわよ。
D: いや、ここにいてもお前は何も学ばないだろう。家を出るのが一番いい方法
M: えっ? 家を出る? 私を追い出すの?
D: その通り! お前は今月末までに新しい住む場所を見つけなさい。
M: パパ!! それはひどいわ! 信じらんな〜い!