Scene 5-10 If I Had Words
Three and a half months have passed. Scarlett has been waiting for the results of her second exam and finally receives some good news. She goes to tell Jacques.
Scarlett: Hey Jacques, guess what? Second time lucky! I passed
the exam!
Jacques: That’s great news! Congratulations!
Scarlett: And what’s even better, I averaged 83%!!
Jacques: Well done! That’s a great score! All that effort you put
in certainly paid off, didn’t it?
Scarlett: Yeah, but the funny thing is, in the end I didn’t really feel
like studying was such a big effort any more. I was having
so much fun looking up French recipes on the internet and
listening to your French CDs and making my French diary tape
that I almost forgot I was studying!
Jacques: That’s good to hear. Not a lot of people think to combine
their study with another hobby, but it’s one of the best ways
of improving your language.
Scarlett: Thank you so much for all your tips Jacques. I can understand
now why your English is so great. And it inspires me to keep
at it. If I’m lucky, one day I’ll be able to speak French
as well as you speak English.
Jacques: I have no doubt that you will be a fluent French speaker
one day. Just remember that there will be times when it seems
like you’re going nowhere, but as long as you don’t let it
get you down and keep finding different ways to enjoy learning,
there’s no reason why you can’t speak like a native.
Scarlett: Well, my original goal was to be able to watch Amelie without
subtitles, and I know I’m still a long way off from achieving
that, but I’m going to keep making little targets for myself
to keep things interesting and just keep plugging away.
Jacques: Well, if its targets we’re talking about, if I were you,
I’d give myself a little reward for getting past your first
target in passing your exam with flying colours.
Scarlett: I’ve already arranged that. Ben managed to find a cheap
package on the internet, so we’re off to Paris for a week
at the end of the month!
Jacques: Great! I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate.
I’ll look forward to hearing all about it when you get back.
Scarlett: You can count on it!
The End
Second time lucky!
“Third time lucky!”「三度目の正直!」の方が、英語でも良く
使われるが、この場合のように、“second time”「二度目」や
“fourth time”「四度目」などを入れて使うこともできる。
Ex: “I'm getting married again! ”
“I hope this time will be third time lucky.”
All that effort you put in certainly paid off, didn't it?
“pay off”は「報われる、元が取れる、効果を生む」という意味。
イディオムには、“pay back”「借金を返す、仕返しする」、
“pay down”「即金で払う、頭金として払う」、“pay up”
Ex: The effort will pay off.
there's no reason why you can't speak like a native.
“there is no reason 〜”は「〜理由がない」ということ。
ここでは、“there's no reason why you can't 〜”といって
Ex: There's no reason why we can't get married.
I know I'm still a long way off from achieving that
“be a long way off”は「遠いところにある、まだまだ先の話、
“be under way”「(計画などが)進行中である」、“give way”
「(力、主張などに)屈する、くじける」、“go a long way”
「使いでがある、成功する」、“show the way”「手本をみせる」
Ex: My birthday is still a long way off.
I'm going to keep making little targets for myself to keep things interesting and just keep plugging away.
“plug away”は「こつこつ勉強する、働く」という意味。名詞の
Ex: After plugging away for five years, he finally became a
I'd give myself a little reward for getting past your first target in passing your exam with flying colours.
“with flying colours”は「見事に、堂々と、大成功を収めて、
には、“be off colour”「元気がない、気分が良くない」、
“in one's true colours”「本性を現す」、“stick to one's
Ex: She came through the course with flying colours.
You can count on it!
“You can count on it!”は「当てにしてて良い、期待して良い」
という意味。“count”を使ったイディオムには、“count against 〜”
「〜の不利になる」、“count for 〜”「〜の有利になる」、
“count in”「仲間に入れる」などがある。
Ex: “Mommy, will Nana be coming to my birthday party?”
“You can count on it!”
S: ちょっと、ジャック、なんだと思う? 二度目の正直!試験に
J: それは良かった!おめでとう!
S: それに、さらに良いことは、私の平均が83%だったの!!
J: 良くやったね!それは凄いスコアだよ! 君が費やした全ての
S: ええ、だけどおかしなことに、最後には、勉強が大した努力だとは、
J: 良かったよ。ほとんどの人は、勉強と他の趣味を合わせることを
S: たくさんのヒントをくれてありがとう、ジャック。今なら、なぜ
J: きっといつか、君は流暢なフランス語が話せるよ。ただ覚えて
S: ええ、私の本来のゴールはアメリを字幕なしで見られるようになる
J: そう、目標といえば、僕だったら、見事に試験に合格するという、
S: それはもう手配済みよ。ベンがインターネットで安いパッケージを
J: 凄いな!それより良いお祝いの仕方なんてないよ。帰ったら、
S: 楽しみにしてて!