Scene 9-13 Here, There and Everywhere
youth hostel there. Before going out and seeing the sights, they
Ellie: It’s so nice to see you again, John. I can’t believe it’s been
three years.
J: I know. Emily was really disappointed that she couldn’t be here.
She was saying she would have loved to have taken you shopping.
Ellie: That would have been great! Well, at least we get to catch up
with her at the wedding.
Gordon: By the way, when are you off to Boston, John?
Ellie: I guess you’d have to go early, being the best man and all.
J: Yeah, I’m flying out to Boston on Thursday morning, actually.
How about you too? When will you be arriving in Boston?
Ellie: Well, we thought after leaving here on Tuesday, we’d take the
bus or train to Chicago, look around for a day and then head out
from Chicago on Thursday morning. That way we’ll get to Boston
on Friday morning, with a day to spare before the wedding.
J: And you haven’t decided whether to take the bus or the train to
Chicago yet?
Gordon: No, we’re still in two minds about that. We’ve taken the bus
the whole way so we were thinking it’d be nice to take the train
for a change.
Ellie: Which do you recommend?
J: Well, the train is a lot quicker. You save about six hours.
Ellie: Wow, that is fast.
J: But it’s also quite a bit more expensive. From memory, I think
its $140 or so, while the bus is about $110.
Ellie: Ooh, that is a big difference. $30 each.
J: From what I hear about your money situation, it sounds like
you’d be better off sacrificing a few hours to save a few bucks.
Ellie: Hear that Gordon, o gambler extraordinaire?
Gordon: You’re never going to let me forget about this, are you? Well,
don’t forget I saved you from that loser Rick.
Ellie: My knight in shining armour. Alright then, I’ll give you that.
Let’s just say we’re square, then.
To be continued
By the way, when are you off to Boston, John?
“be off to 〜”は「〜へ出発する、〜へ出掛ける」という意味。
その他、“leave”, “head out”, “take the road”, “step along”
Ex: Where are you off to?
I guess you'd have to go early, being the best man and all.
“and all”は「その他色々、など」という意味。“and all that”も
同じ意味。その他“all”を使ったイディオムには、“all in all”
「全体として、概して」、“all or nothing”「一か八か、全部か無か、
のるか反るか」、“all there”「正気の、まともな」、“all being
Ex: It must be tough for them, with Tim losing his job and all.
No, we're still in two minds about that.
“in two minds”は「迷っている、決めかねている、決心がつかないで
いる、心がぐらついている」という意味。その他、“still thinking”,
“be torn between A or B”「AとBの間で迷っている」, “be unsure
of”, “be hesitative about”などの言い方もある。
Ex: I'm in two minds about going for a drink.
From memory, I think its $140 or so, while the bus is about $110.
Ex: While Lisa wanted to go to Japan, her parents were against
My knight in shining armour.
“knight in shining armour”は「(弱いものを助けるためにさっそうと
Ex: Tom always helps me out. He is a knight in shining amour.
Let's just say we're square, then.
“Let's just say 〜”は「とりあえず〜と言っておこう、〜という
Ex: “Don't eat my ice cream!”
“You ate my cookies. That makes it square between us.”
E: ジョン、また会えて本当にうれしいわ。三年経ったなんて信じられない。
J: 本当だよ。エミリーが、ここに居られなくて、とても残念がっていたよ。
E: 行けたら、良かったな!でも、とにかく彼女とは、結婚式で会って話が
G: ジョン、ところで、いつボストンへ出発するの?
E: 介添人やなんかで、早く行かなくちゃいけないでしょう。
J: ああ、実は、木曜の朝にボストンへ飛行機で行くんだ。君たちは?いつ
E: あのね、火曜日にここを出た後、シカゴまでバスか電車に乗って、一日
J: それで、シカゴまでバスに乗るか電車に乗るか、まだ決めて
G: 決めてないよ、まだ迷っているんだ。ずっとバスに乗ってきたから、
E: どっちがお勧め?
J: そうだな、電車は断然速いよ。6時間位は短縮できる。
E: えー、早い。
J: だけど、料金ももうちょっと高い。記憶では、バスは110ドル位
E: あー、それは大きな違いね。一人30ドル。
J: 僕が聞く君たちの資金状況では、いくらかのお金を節約するために、
E: ほら!非凡なギャンブラーのゴードン、聞いた?
G: そのことを、俺に忘れさせないつもりだな。まっ、駄目男の
E: 私の正義の味方。そうね、確かにその通り。じゃあ、私達とりあえず