女性の英会話劇場Woman's Story

Scene 9-15 中級 Here, There and Everywhere

In the Nick of Time

Gordon and Ellie have managed to get train tickets to Boston. Their first train has just arrived at Albany-Rensselaer and they are about to change to the Boston-bound train.



Ellie: How much time do we have before the next train leaves?

Gordon: Fifteen minutes. It's supposed to leave from Platform 4.

Ellie: Oh, then that must be it over there.

Gordon: Looks like it.

Ellie: Well, just give me a minute or two. I have to powder my nose.

Gordon: Sure, go for it. I'll go and get us something for breakfast
then give my parents a quick call so I'll meet you on the
platform... Is something wrong?

Ellie: Do you have my black shoulder bag?

Gordon: No. I thought you had it.

Ellie: Oh no! I must have left it on the train!

Gordon: You can't be serious!

Ellie: Quick, hold my bag. I've got to go and find it.

Gordon: You'd better move it - that train's leaving in a couple of

Ellie: Aarrrgh!

(Ellie runs back to the train and emerges a couple of minutes later
with her bag)

Ellie: Found it!

Gordon: Thank God for that! You were lucky someone didn't make off
with it.

Ellie: I know. This has all my clothes for the wedding in it.
I would've been in a real fix if I'd lost them.

Gordon: Yeah, you would have had to go to the wedding buck naked. Now
that's an interesting thought.

Ellie: Get your mind out of the gutter Gordon Cooper!

Gordon: (Laughs) Well, you were just in the nick of time. The train's
pulling out now.

Ellie: Phew! I'm glad I realised before it was too late.

Gordon: We'd better hurry. I'll make that phone call then get us some
seats on the train so why don't you pick us up something for
breakfast on the way back from the ladies room?

Ellie: Sure. Anything in particular you'd like?

Gordon: Anything that hits the spot would be just fine with me.

Ellie: You got it. See you in a sec.

To be continued



I have to powder my nose.


“powder one's nose”は「(女性が)トイレに行く、化粧直しをする」
という意味。女性用トイレは“powder room”と呼ばれる。その他
「トイレに行く」には、“borrow the porcelain”, “check the
plumbing”, “pay a call”などの言い方もある。こちらの言い方は
  “powder one's nose”のほうは、どちらかというと丁寧な言い方の
Ex: I'm just going to powder my nose.

Well, just give me a minute or two.


“a minute or two”は「1〜2分、ほんの数分、少しの間」という意味。
意味がある。“minute”を使ったイディオムには、“cancel 〜 at the
last minute”「〜をドタキャンする」、“minutes away from 〜”
「〜から間一髪逃れる」、“at any minute”「今すぐにでも、いつ
何時(特に危険・好ましくないことについて用いる)」、“to the
Ex: Can you wait a little longer? I'll be with you in a minute
or two.

You'd better move it - that train's leaving in a couple of minutes.


“move it”は口語英語で「急げ」という意味。命令文“Move it!”は
Ex: You should move it, or you'll be late for work.

You were lucky someone didn't make off with it.


“make off with 〜”は「〜盗む、〜を持ち逃げする、〜を奪い去る、
持ち去る」という意味。その他、“make away with”, “carry off”,
“walk away with”, “bear away”などの言い方もある。
Ex: A shoplifter tried to make off with a T-shirt, but the
security guard caught him.

Get your mind out of the gutter Gordon Cooper!


“Get your mind out of the gutter.”は「イヤらしいことを考えないで、
Ex: Honestly Jack, your mind is in the gutter!

Well, you were just in the nick of time.


“in the nick of time”は「ちょうど良い時に、間一髪で、際どい時に、
言い方には、“by the skin of one's teeth”,“by a hairsbreadth”,
“by a whisker”などもある。
Ex: We made it to the connecting flight in the nick of time.



E: 次の電車が出発するまで、どの位時間がある?

G: 15分だな。4番線から出るはずだ。

E: あっ、それならあそこのはずよ。

G: そうみたいだな。

E: じゃ、ちょっと時間をちょうだい。トイレに行かなくちゃ。

G: いいよ、行ってきたら。俺は、何か俺たちの朝ごはんを買いに行って、

E: 私の、黒いショルダーバック持ってる?

G: 持ってないよ。君が持ったと思った。

E: やだ〜!電車の中に忘れてきちゃった!

G: うそだろ!

E: ちょっと、私のバックを持ってて。探しに行かなくちゃ。

G: 急いだ方が良い。後数分であの電車が出発するよ。

E: あー!


E: 見つけた!

G: 良かった!誰もそのバックを盗まなくて、ラッキーだったね。

E: 本当よ。この中に、結婚式用の私の洋服が全部入っているの。もし

G: そうだな、結婚式に真っ裸で行かなくちゃならなかったね。まあ、

E: ゴードン・クーパー、変な妄想しないでよ!

G: (笑う)まあ、間一髪だったな。あの電車が、今出発するよ。

E: フー!手遅れになる前に、気付いて良かった。

G: 急ごう。俺は、両親に電話をして、電車の席を取るから、トイレの帰り

E: いいわよ。何か特に欲しいものある?

G: お腹を満たしてくれるものなら、何でもいいよ。

E: 分かったわ。じゃあね。
