Scene 9-17 Here, There and Everywhere
In a panic, Gordon and Ellie arrive at Gordon's parents' house just as Scott and his sister Kristin pull up.
Ellie: Scott! Boy, are we relieved to see you!
Scott: Ellie! Gordon! You made it! We were all wondering when you’d
finally get here.
Gordon: Where has everybody been? I’ve been calling you since the crack
of dawn but nobody answered.
Kristin: Sorry Gordon, we’ve all been in a bit of a panic.
Gordon: A panic? What’s happened?
Ellie: Is everybody OK?
Scott: Well… I’m afraid I have some bad news. There’s not going to
be a wedding…
Ellie: NO WEDDING?!?!?!
Gordon: What do you mean there’s not going to be a wedding?!
Kristin: Hang on you two, let him finish.
Scott: There’s not going to be a wedding today.
Ellie: But why?
Scott: Penny has come down with a rather nasty case of the mumps.
Ellie: Mumps? Is she OK?
Scott: Well, she was admitted to hospital last night with a high fever
and face pain, and from what her mother tells me, her face has
swelled up so much she looks like a chipmunk.
Ellie: Oh no! Penny must be beside herself!
Kristin: That’s an understatement. On what was supposed to be the
biggest day of her life, she’s stuck in the hospital with a
face like the Goodyear Blimp, and to make matters worse, she’s
been vomiting all morning.
Ellie: Poor thing! And to think that Gordon and I have been in a
panic for the last three days about getting here on time.
We didn’t really have anything to worry about at all!
Scott: Hey yeah! What is the story with that? I thought you’d be
here well before today.
Ellie: Before we even get into that, can we go inside and put on a pot
of coffee?
Gordon: Yeah. We’re pooped, and it’s a very, very long story!
The End
I've been calling you since the crack of dawn but nobody answered.
“crack of dawn”は「夜明け、暁」という意味。その他、“break of
day”, “daylight”, “morning”, “early bright”, “opening
of the day”などの言い方もある。また、「幕開け、(事の)始まり、
Ex: My grandmother gets up before dawn and goes for a walk
every day.
Hang on you two, let him finish.
口語的な語。類義語には、“make”, “allow”, “permit”がある。
Ex: Let me have a look.
Penny has come down with a rather nasty case of the mumps.
“come down with”は「(病気に)かかる、(病気で)倒れる」という
意味。その他 “come”を使ったイディオムには、“come to”
「正気づく、意識を取り戻す」、“come over 〜”「(病気・感情などが)
〜を襲う、(変化が)〜に起こる」、“come up on 〜”「〜に(偶然)
“come of 〜”「〜の結果として起こる」などがある。
Ex: I came down with the flu.
Penny must be beside herself!
“beside oneself”は「(喜怒哀楽で)我を忘れて、逆上して、気が
upset”, “go out of one's mind”, “lose one's nerve”,
“break down”などがある。
Ex: Martin was beside himself with joy when he won the match.
That's an understatement.
控えめに言ってかえって強い印象を与える語法。例えば、“very good”
の代わりに“not bad”ということなどで、英国人の言語表現の一つの
Ex: “It was a bit chilly yesterday, wasn't it?”
“That's an understatement. It was bloody freezing!”
We're pooped, and it's a very, very long story!
“be pooped”は口語で「疲れ果てた、酔っ払った」という意味。
Ex: I was pooped so I couldn't eat anything.
E: スコット!もう、あなたに会ってほっとしたわよ!
S: エリー!ゴードン!やっと着いた!いつになるとここにくるのかと、
G: 皆どこに行ってたの?夜明けからずっと電話してるのに、誰も
K: ごめんね、ゴードン。私達皆、ちょっとパニックになってたのよ。
G: パニック?どうしたの?
E: 大丈夫?
S: あの・・・・悪いニュースがあるんだ。結婚式はないんだよ・・・
E: 結婚式がない!?!?!?
G: 結婚式がないってどういうこと?!
K: 二人ともちょっと待って、彼に話を終わらせてあげてよ。
S: 結婚式は今日挙げないんだ。
E: だけど、どうして?
S: ペニーが、かなりひどいおたふく風邪にかかったんだ。
E: おたふく風邪?彼女、大丈夫なの?
S: う〜ん、昨日の夜、高熱と顔の痛みで入院して、彼女のお母さんが
E: そんな!きっと彼女、取り乱してるでしょう!
K: そんなもんじゃないわ。彼女の人生最大の日になるはずだった日に、
E: かわいそうに!なのに、ゴードンと私はこの3日間、ここに間に合うか
S: そうだ!一体何があったんだ?お前たち、今日より随分前にここに
E: その話に入る前に、中に入ってコーヒーをセットしていい?
G: そうだな。俺たちくたくたなんだ。それに、すっごく長〜い話だから!