Scene 13-2 Bella Donna
Kevin is showing Cassie around the building and introducing her to some of the people she will be working with.
Kevin: Just over here is the security guard’s room. There are six
guards in all, but they work shifts, so you won’t see them all
at the same time.
Cassie: I see. Do you have a lot of problems with security here?
Kevin: Well, this is a pretty prominent building, so we do tend to get
our share of weirdoes coming through, but the security guys are
pretty good at keeping the peace. If you see anyone who looks
a little suspicious, don’t be afraid to give the boys a call.
Cassie: I’ll be sure to do that.
Kevin: Oh, there’s Greg. Greg! Do you have a minute?
Greg: Hey Kevin! How goes it?
Kevin: Not too bad at all, thanks. Listen, this is Cassie. She’s
covering for Fiona for the next six months while she’s on
maternity leave.
Greg: Hey Cassie, pleased to meet you. You’re starting today?
Cassie: Yes, that’s right. I’ll be working with Fiona until the end of
the month so she can show me the ropes.
Greg: Great! The others are out on their rounds at the moment, but
I’ll tell them to pop by the reception desk and introduce
themselves later on.
Cassie: Thanks. I’m looking forward to meeting them.
Kevin: Sorry to be in such a rush Greg, but Cassie and I had better get
moving. Fiona’ll be waiting for us.
Greg: We can’t have that now, can we? Well, I guess I’ll catch ya
later, Cassie. I’ll try and stop by reception for a chat later
Cassie: Great! I’d like that.
Kevin: Now where was I? Oh yes, that door over there leads to the
staff room and lockers. I’ll let Fiona show you in more detail
later on. And this is reception, just through here. Hi Fiona!
Fiona: Hi there, Kevin. Hi, Cassie. Great to see you again.
Kevin: You two have already met?
Cassie: Yes, we had a chance to talk briefly at my job interview.
Kevin: Well, I’ll leave you two ladies to it, then. If you have any
questions Cassie, feel free to ask me any time.
Cassie: Thank you Kevin. See you later.
To be continued
the security guys are pretty good at keeping the peace.
“be good at 〜”は「〜が上手い、得意だ」という意味。反対は“bad
at/not good at 〜”、その他“good”を使ったイディオムには、
“good for 〜”「〜の役に立つ、〜に有効で」、“in good time”
「(決められた)時間通りに、ちょうど良い時間に」、“look good”
そうである」、“make good on”「(約束などを)果たす、(契約などを)
Ex: I'm good at cooking.
If you anyone who looks a little suspicious, don't be afraid to give the boys a call.
“don't be afraid to 〜”は「遠慮せずに〜する」という意味。
「〜するのをためらう」という意味もある。“don't hesitate to 〜”
Ex: Don't be afraid to call me if you need some help.
Do you have a minute?
“Do you have a minute?”は「ちょっとよろしいですか、少しお時間を
また、“Do you have a second?”, “Do you have a moment?”などの
Ex: “Do you have a minute?” “Sure.”
I'll be working with Fiona until the end of the month so she can show me the ropes.
意味。“show someone the ropes”で「(人に)こつを教える」という
意味になる。また“know the ropes”で「事情に通じている、こつを
Ex: It took me a while to learn the ropes, but I'm fine now.
Now where was I?
“Where was I?”は「どこまで進みましたか、何の話でしたか」という
場合は、“Where was I?”だが、ミーティングなど複数で話をしていた
場合は、“Where were we?”となる。
Ex: Where was I before we were so rudely interrupted?
Oh yes, that door over there leads to the staff room and lockers.
Ex: This road leads you into town.
K: ここが、警備員の部屋だ。全部で六人の警備員がいるけど、彼らは
C: そうですか。ここでは、警備の面で色々と問題があるんですか?
K: まあ、ここはかなり知られているビルだから、変な人も入ってくるけど、
C: 必ずそうします。
K: おっ、グレッグがいる。グレッグ!ちょっといいかい?
G: やあ、ケビン!元気かい?
K: まあまねかな。 あのね、こちらはキャシー。フィオナが産休の間の
G: どうも、キャシー、初めまして。今日からなの?
C: はい、そうです。今月の終わりまでフィオナと一緒に働くので、彼女が
G: そうか!他の奴らは、今巡回中だから、後で受付に寄って、自己紹介
C: ありがとうございます。他の方達にお会いするのを楽しみにしています。
K: グレッグ、急いでいて悪いけど、キャシーと俺は行かなくちゃ
G: 待たせちゃダメだよね。 じゃあ、キャシー、後でね。後で、受付に
C: そう!そうしてくれると嬉しいわ。
K: それで、どこまで説明したっけ?あ〜、そうだ、あそこのドアは、
F: あら、ケビン。こんにちは、キャシー。また会えて嬉しいわ。
K: 二人は、もう会ったの?
C: ええ、私の面接の時に、ちょっと話す機会があったんです。
K: じゃあ、二人に任せようかな。キャシー、何か質問があったら、
C: ありがとう、ケビン。また後で。