Scene 15 Cooking
Olivia is hosting a dinner party. She asks her friend Zach, a chef, to help her with her menu.
Olivia: Zach, help me out, please!
Zach: What’s the problem?
Olivia: I told Mara I’d throw her a dinner party to celebrate her 30th
birthday, but I just can’t get a good menu sorted out.
Zach: Well, what did you have in mind?
Olivia: I found this really great recipe for spicy fish and I have a
salad that I think will go pretty well with it, but I need a
side dish that’s going to provide a little substance.
Zach: What kind of spicy fish are you making?
Olivia: It’s Cajun-style salmon. I have the recipe here if you want to
take a look.
Zach: Thanks. Hmmm, why don’t you try rice? I know a great recipe
for cumin rice that should match this pretty well. It looks
good, tastes good and best of all it’s easy as pie to make.
Olivia: That sounds like exactly what I’m looking for! What do you
Zach: Well, rice of course. I usually use short grain but I think
long grain should work fine as well. Then you need cumin seeds,
a little oil, chicken stock and green onions.
Olivia: That’s all?
Zach: Yep. I told you it’s simple. You just wash the rice, stir fry
the cumin seeds in the oil for a couple of minutes until they
start to brown, add the rice and chicken stock, cover and boil
for about 20 minutes until it’s tender. When it’s done, you
stir in the green onions. Nothing to it! The most difficult
part is watching it carefully so it doesn’t burn.
Olivia: Yum! It sounds delicious! Can you give me the recipe?
Zach: Well, if you have some paper and a pen on you, I’ll jot it down
for you now.
Olivia: Thanks a million Zach. I’ll try it out tonight!
Well, what did you have in mind?
“have 〜in mind”は「〜のことを考えている、〜を計画中〔考慮中〕で
“call/bring 〜 to mind”「〜を思い出す」、“make up one's mind”
「(いろいろ考えた末に)決心する、結論を下す」、“slip 〜's mind”
「〜に忘れられる、思い出せない」、“speak one's mind”「(相手に
Ex: What kind of shoes do you have in mind?
Nothing to it!
“(There's) nothing to it.”は「大変簡単だ、難しいことは何も無い、
お茶の子さいさいだ」という意味で、“very easy”「とても簡単だ」
Ex: You just fill out this form and fax it in. There's nothing
to it!
Well, if you have some paper and a pen on you, I'll jot it down for you now.
“jot down”は「手早く書き留める、即座にメモする」という意味。
その他「書き留める」という言い方には、“commit to paper”,
“note”, “write down”, “take down”などもある。
Ex: I'll jot down your address so I don't forget.
Thanks a million Zach.
“Thanks a million.”は「どうもありがとう」という意味で、友達同士
で使う、くだけた表現。“Thanks a lot.”, “Many thanks.”などの
Ex: “I baked a cake for your birthday.”
“Thanks a million.”
O: ザック、手伝って、お願い!
Z: どうしたの?
O: マラに、彼女の30歳の誕生日をお祝いするために、夕食会を私が
Z: それで、何を考えてたの?
O: このとても良い、スパイシー・フィッシュのレシピを見つけて、かなり
Z: どんなスパイシー・フィッシュを作るの?
O: ケイジャンスタイルのサーモンよ。もし、見てみたいなら、ここに
Z: ありがとう。う〜ん、ご飯を作ってみたら?クミン・ライスの凄く
O: まさに、私が探しているものみたいだわ!何が必要?
Z: まあ、もちろんお米。いつもは、短粒米を使うけど、長粒米でも
O: それだけ?
Z: ああ。簡単だって、言っただろ。お米を洗って、焦げ目がつくまで、
入れて、よくかき混ぜる。何も難しいことはない! 一番難しい部分は、
O: わー、美味しそう!そのレシピをくれる?
Z: じゃあ、紙とペンがあれば、今、サッとメモしてあげるよ。
O: どうもありがとう、ザック。今晩、試してみるわ!