Lesson 13
Yukio and Lind are discussing what they would do if they find 100,000,000 on the road.
Yukio and Lind are discussing what they would do if they find 100,000,000 on the road.
Yukio: Look at this news article. Some guy found 100,000,000! He returned it and the owner thanked him with a phone call.
Linda: You’re kidding! If I found 100,000,000, I wouldn’t return it so fast.
Yukio: Why? What would you do?
Linda: Well, I’d go straight to Las Vegas and try my luck in casinos. I could double the money in a day and keep the 100,000,000 for myself.
Yukio: You might also lose it all in a day. And then you could go to jail if someone knew you found the money and told the police.
Linda: Hmm. You’ve got a point there!
You are kidding!
I wouldn't return it so fast.
ex) If I were rich enough, I would buy it.
If I were you, I would quit smoking.
What would you do?
この "would" も仮定の「〜するだろう」という意味。
ex) Anyone would have thought that.
You might also lose it all in a day.
"might" は現在の事実に反する仮定を表し、「〜するかもしれない」という意味。同じような表現で "may" がありますが、これより弱い可能性を表します。
ex) It might be true.
She might have been happier.
And then, you could go to jail.
この "could" も現在の事実に反する課程を表し「〜できただろうに、 〜する可能性がある」という意味。
ex) I could do it if I wanted.
You've got a point there.
ex) The point is that we are short of funds.
What is the point of your story?
Will you get to the point?
Words & Phrases
Yukio: この記事見てよ! この人、1億円拾ったんだって! それで届け出て、持ち主は拾った人に電話でお礼を言ったんだってさ。
Linda: 冗談でしょう! もし1億円見つけたら、私はすぐに届け出ないわ。
Yukio: どうして? どうするのさ?
Linda: ええとね、一目散にラスベガスに行って、カジノで運試しするわ。 1日で倍にして、1億円は自分でとっとくのよ。
Yukio: 1日で全部なくなっちゃうかもしれないよ!? もし、リンダが拾ったのを誰かが知って、警察に届け出たら刑務所行きだよ。
Linda: ん・・・。あなたの言う通りだわね。