Lesson 74
Brian arrived in Japan two weeks ago. Kiyomi is showing him some bonsai trees.
Brian arrived in Japan two weeks ago. Kiyomi is showing him some bonsai trees.
Brian: These bonsai trees are beautiful. How do you grow them?
Kiyomi: Well, first you take a healthy young tree – almost any kind of tree is ok.
Brian: Oh, ok.
Kiyomi: Then, you need to remove some of the leaves and branches and cut back some of the roots.
Brian: Why’s that?
Kiyomi: It makes it grow more slowly. Then the tree is planted in a pot with little soil.
Brian: And how do you get the interesting shapes?
Kiyomi: Wire is used to tie to the branches to obtain the shape you want. When the tree is older, the wire is removed.
Brian: I see. That’s interesting.
almost any kind of tree is ok.
ex) Fire destroyed almost the whole forest.
It makes it grow more slowly.
ex) Flowers make a room more cheerful.
My answer made him angry.
Wire is used to tie to the branches to obtain the shape you want.
ex) obtain permission
Knowledge may be obtained through study.
Words & Phrases
Brian: この盆栽、とてもきれいだねー! どうやって育てたの?
Kiyomi: それはね、どんな種類の木でもたいていは大丈夫なんだけど、最初に丈夫な若木をとって来るのね。
Brian: んー、はい。
Kiyomi: そしたら、葉っぱと枝の一部を取って、根っこの一部を切っちゃうの。
Brian: どうして?
Kiyomi: もっとゆっくり育つようにするためよ。
Brian: それで、どうやって、面白い形にするの?
Kiyomi: 思い通りの形にするために、針金を使って枝を結ぶの。木が育った時点で、針金は外すんです。
Brian: へー、それは面白い!