Lesson 82
Robert is having problems with a class, particularly a teacher at his university.
Robert is having problems with a class, particularly a teacher at his university.
Yukio: You look really tired, Robert. What’s wrong?
Robert: I haven’t been sleeping well lately. I have this big exam coming up at university, and I have been staying up really late studying for it.
Yukio: What subject is it for?
Robert: Economics. I usually do well in it, but this semester my professor is really tough.
Yukio: Wow, that’s too bad. Have you gone to talk to this professor and ask for help? I remember I had a class that was really hard once, but when I went to the professor, he was really helpful and my grades improved.
Robert: That’s a great idea, Yukio. That would be much better than burning the candle at both ends. Thanks.
I have this big exam coming up at university
What subject is it for?
ex) Which company do you work for?
this semester my professor is really tough.
"semester"はアメリカ英語で、1年を2学期にわけたうちの1学期をさします。 イギリスでは"term"といいます。
That would be much better than burning the candle at both ends.
"burning the candle at both ends"は、「仕事(勉強が)が、夜遅くまでやって朝早く起きてまたやらねばならぬほどたくさんある」といったニュアンスのあるフレーズです。
Words & Phrases
Yukio: 疲れてるって感じだな、ロバート。なんかあったか?
Robert: さいきんあんまり寝てないんだよ。大学で重要なテストがあってさ、ここんとこ夜遅くまで勉強してんだ。
Yukio: 科目は?
Robert: 経済学。けっこう得意科目なんだけど、今学期の教授はマジで難しいんだ。
Yukio: そりゃ大変だね。その教授のところに行って、詳しく教えてもらったら? 僕も前にすっげー難しい授業をとってたんだけど、教授に話してみたらいろいろ教えてくれて、成績があがったことがあるよ。
Robert: それいいね、ユキオ。精根尽き果ててまで勉強するよりずっといいや。ありがとう。