Lesson 113
Stephanie and Al are co-workers. Stephanie is new in town, so Al is asking about her plans for New Years.
Stephanie and Al are co-workers. Stephanie is new in town, so Al is asking about her plans for New Years.
Al: Hey, Steph, how’s it going?
Stephanie: Not too bad, but I’ve been really busy with this report.
Al: Well, listen, I just wanted to ask, what you’re doing for New Year’s?
Stephanie: To be honest, I don’t have any real plans. I had kinda thought I’d have a low key New Year.
Al: Well, if you want, a friend of mine is renting a chalet near Banff and a bunch of us are going up for a big New Year’s party.
Stephanie: Really?
Al: Yeah, it’s going to be blast. The place is apparently really nice and a lot people are going to be going. And also the next day, when everyone is awake and up for it, we can go skiing. The place is right on the mountain.
Stephanie: Wow! That sounds great. Are you sure it wouldn’t be too much trouble if I came.
Al: Yeah, no problem. I’ll even give you a lift up on the 31st. What do you say I stop by your place around 1 in the afternoon.
Stephanie: Sure.
Al: Alright. I’ll see you then.
Stephanie: Yeah, thanks, Al. I can’t wait.
I had kinda thought I'd have a low key New Year.
"key"には「感情の度合い」といったニュアンスがあるので、"low key"で「控えめな」となります。
and a bunch of us are going up for a big New Year's party.
"bunch of〜"で、「〜の集まり」。
ex: I ate a bunch of grapes.
it's going to be blast.
ex: How was the party?
Oh, we had a blast!
I'll even give you a lift up on the 31st.
"give A a lift"で「Aを車に乗せてあげる」ということ。"give A a ride"と言い換えることもできます。
ex: Every morning, I give my son a lift to school.
What do you say I stop by your place around 1 in the afternoon.
"what do you say..."は直訳すると「〜についてどう言う?」ですが、特に意見という意見を求めず、なにか提案をする際の表現としてよく使われます。
Words & Phrases
Al: やあ、ステフ、元気?
Stephanie: まずまずだけど、このレポート書くのに忙しくて忙しくて。
Al: ねえ、 ちょっと聞きたかったんだけど、新年はなにする予定なの?
Stephanie: 正直、予定らしい予定はないわね。静かな新年を過ごそうかなって考えてた。
Al: あのさ、もし良かったらだけど、僕の友達でバンフの近くのバンガローを借りる奴がいて、僕たちみんなでそこに行って新年会を開くんだ。
Stephanie: ホント?
Al: ああ、すごく楽しくなるよ。すごく良いところみたいだし、人がたくさん集まるんだ。で、次の日も、みんなが起きて準備が整ったら、スキーにいけるよ。ちょうど山にあるからね。
Stephanie: へえー! すごく楽しそう。でも、私が行っても邪魔にならないかなあ。
Al: 心配は御無用。31日に車で乗っけてってあげるよ。キミんちに午後1時ごろに行こうか。
Stephanie: いいわ。
Al: よっしゃ。じゃあ、そんときに。
Stephanie: うん、ありがとう、アル。待ち遠しいわ。