Lesson 141
A husband and his wife are talking about their recent financial troubles. His wife is thinking of getting a job to help the situation.
A husband and his wife are talking about their recent financial troubles. His wife is thinking of getting a job to help the situation.
Husband: Look at these bills. They just keep piling up.
Wife: Here’s another one. It’s from the city tax office. Looks like it’s due tomorrow.
Husband: This is ridiculous. Every month this year we’ve been struggling to make ends meet. Ever since the cutbacks at the factory, my salary just isn’t cutting it anymore.
Wife: It’s not your fault, you know. Times are tough. We’re still getting by.
Husband: Yeah, we’re getting by, but just barely. We haven’t been able to do anything fun like we used to.
Wife: You know, I could always get a job. I can go back to the bank and see if they’re hiring.
Husband: I don’t know, honey. I mean you didn’t really like that job in the first place.
Wife: True. But the way it’s looking now we’ve got no choice.
They just keep piling up.
名詞としての"pile"は「大量、(書類などの)山」などの意味になります。動詞としては自動詞(積み重なる)、他動詞(〜を積み重ねる)ともに使え、ここでは自動詞の意味「主語(they)が積み重なる)」として使われています。"They just keep going up"と言いかえることもできます。
ex: There are times in everyone's life when troubles start piling up all around us.
Looks like it's due tomorrow.
ex:I have three papers due tomorrow.
Giving Credit Where Credit is Due.
"make ends meet" はイディオムで「収入と支出を合わせる、家計のやりくりをする」という意味になります。ちなみに、ここでの"end"は「末端」という意味。
ex: Low-interest loans are available to help you make ends meet.
my salary just isn't cutting it anymore.
ここでの"cut it"はイディオムで「うまくいく」ということ。"Cut it!"とさけぶと「Shut up! (黙れ!)」と同じ意味になります。
ex: "Just Say No To Drugs" is not cutting it anymore.
Yeah, we're getting by, but just barely.
"get by" は「なんとか暮らす」という意味で、うしろの"but barely"は「でもホントにかろうじてね」という強調のニュアンスがあります。
ex: Here's a few quick tips to get by in America.
Words & Phrases
Husband: 請求書を見ろよ。たまる一方だぜ。
Wife: ここにもべつの請求書よ。市の税務署からだわ。あしたが支払期日みたい。
Husband: バカバカしい。今年は毎月、家計のやりくりに四苦八苦しなきゃならなくなるな。工場で削減があってから、僕の給料じゃもうやってけないよ。
Wife: あなたのせいじゃないでしょ。たいへんな時期なのよ。わたしたちはまだなんとかやっているわ。
Husband: うん、なんとかやってる、でもかろうじてね。さいきんじゃ昔みたいに楽しいことなんてなにもできないよ。
Wife: ねえ、わたし、いつでも働けるのよ。銀行に戻って、採用してるか確かめることもできるわ。
Husband: それはどうかな、ハニー。ほら、そもそもキミはあの仕事があまり好きじゃなかったじゃないか。
Wife: そうよ。でも、こんな調子じゃぜいたく言ってられないわ。