Lesson 152
Ben and Nancy, two friends, have just gone to see the new Steven Spielberg movie, Minority Report. They are talking about what they thought of the movie.
Ben and Nancy, two friends, have just gone to see the new Steven Spielberg movie, Minority Report. They are talking about what they thought of the movie.
Ben: That was a pretty good movie, huh. Steven Spielberg has got some imagination. I loved the whole “pre-crime” story.
Nancy: Yeah, it was good, but I thought it kind of died at the end. I didn’t like the way they spelled out the whole story at the end, though. I mean it’s just like the audience is too dumb to put it together themselves.
Ben: Now that I think about it, that was a bit unnecessary; especially when they did such a good job of revealing everything bit by bit. I also kind of wish that they would have gone into more detail about “pre-crime.” That was the best part for me.
Nancy: Apparently. Well, on the whole, it was entertaining. It just dragged a little in parts and the end was kind of brutal. But a lot of movies lately have had the same problem; they start off great and then fall off at the end.
Ben: That’s for sure. That “Signs” movie — terrible!
I didn't like the way they spelled out the whole story at the end, though.
"spell out 〜"はここでは「わかりやすく詳しく説明する、明らかにする」という意味。「単語などのスペルを略さずに書く」「たどたどしく読む」という意味もあります。
ex: Can you spell out exactly what you mean by that?
I mean it's just like the audience is too dumb to put it together themselves.
"put together 〜"は、「バラバラなものをまとめる」。プラモデル作り、ジグゾーパズルなどのように、最初バラバラだったものをうまく組み合わせて、つなぎ合わせて一つにする、というときにつかう表現です。
ex: Have you ever put together a jigsaw puzzle without a picture to guide you?
I also kind of wish that they would have gone into more detail about
"go into detail"は「細部に立ち入る、詳しく述べる」という意味です。"enter into detail"も同じ意味でつかわれることがありますが、"go into detail"の方が一般的です。
ex: You don't need to go into detail about why you are leaving and where you are going.
ex: "I have over thirty thousand messages on my machine and…"
"Thirty thousand? Is that possible?"
"Apparently, yes. Don't ask me how. I don't understand it myself."
Words & Phrases
Ben: かなりいい映画だったね、うん。スティーヴン・スピルバーグって想像力あるよ。「犯罪予知」の話、すっかり気に入っちゃった。
Nancy: うん、よかったね、でも、最後は何だかつまらなかったわ。最後に一部始終を明らかにしたやり方が、気に入らなかったんだけど。だって、まるで観客が鈍すぎて自分たちでは謎を解けないってみたい。
Ben: 考えてみると、あの部分はちょっと余計だったね。あんなにうまく、次第に全てを明らかにしていった場合には特にね。僕ももう少し欲を言えば、「犯罪予知」についてもっと細かく描写して欲しかったな。あれが僕にとっての一番の見所だったから。
Nancy: そのようね。まあ、全体としては、面白かったわ。ただ、少しくどい部分があって、最後はややひどかったってだけよ。でも、最近は、同じ問題を抱えている映画が多いわ。出だしはスゴイんだけど、最後は大したことないの。
Ben: 確かにね。あの「サイン」って映画は— ひどかったな!