Lesson 156
Sam discovers her co-worker, Cliff, limping his way into work. Concerned about what the problem is, she goes to see it he is okay.
Sam discovers her co-worker, Cliff, limping his way into work. Concerned about what the problem is, she goes to see it he is okay.
Sam: What’s wrong, Cliff? You’re limping!
Cliff: I know. A guy cut me off when I was riding to work. The back of his car clipped my bike and I fell. Fortunately I was wearing my helmet.
Sam: Oh my god! That’s terrible. Shouldn’t you go to the hospital?
Cliff: No I’m fine. It doesn’t hurt that much. Luckily I didn’t fall on the road. I was able to swerve it off just before I fell. The only embarrassing thing was that I crashed into one of those sidewalk tree planter-boxes, and, being rush hour, the sidewalk was packed.
Sam: I see…well, did the driver stop?
Cliff: No, that’s the worst part. He just took off.
Sam: Were you able to get the plate number?
Cliff: I didn’t, but someone walking by saw the accident, wrote the number down for me.
Sam: That was good of them.
Cliff: Yeah and I’m going to report the scumbag right now.
A guy cut me off when I was riding to work.
車の運転に関しては、"cut off"は「他の車両の行く手を遮る、急に前に割り込んで進路妨害する」という意味で使います。
ex: Did you see that girl? She cut off the school bus.
He just took off.
"take off"は、「急いで立ち去る、急に出発する」という意味があります。特に、誰にも何も告げずに、急にどこかへ行ってしまう場合に使います。
ex: Though I waved at him, he just took off without saying a word. It was weird, wasn't it?
That was good of them.
"be good of 〜"は1種の慣用構文で、"of"の後に来る代名詞で表される人が"good"であるという意味になります。多くの場合、その判断の根拠となる、その人の行為を述べる"to 不定詞"が後に続きます。"It is good for 〜 to …"の構文と混同しないように気をつけてください。"good"に "brave," "clever," "cruel," "foolish," "kind," "naughty," "nice," "polite," "selfish," "silly," "wise," "wrong"なども、この構文にあてはめることができます。
ex: It was good of you to get up early with me.
It was good for you to get up early with me, wasn't it?
and I'm going to report the scumbag right now.
"report"には「不祥事およびその当事者を、当局に届ける、訴える」という意味があります。同様の意味の表現として"complain about," "denounce," "inform against"などがあります。"scumbag"は、「クズ野郎、カス野郎」という意味のスラングです。強い非難・侮蔑の表現ですので、使い方に注意してください。
ex: The shopkeeper reported him to the police for shoplifting.
Words & Phrases
Sam: どうしたの、クリフ? 足を引きずってるじゃない!
Cliff: そうなんだ。バイクで来る途中、割り込んでくるヤツがいてさ。そいつの車の後ろが僕のバイクに当たって、コケたんだ。ヘルメットしててよかったよ。
Sam: まあ、大変!それはひどいわね。病院には行かないの?
Cliff: いや、大丈夫。そんなにたいしたケガじゃないから。幸運にも道の上に落ちはしなかったんだ。落ちる前に向きをそらすことができたから。気まずかったことと言えば、せいぜい歩道の植え込みのプランターボックスの1つに突っ込んじゃって、しかもラッシュアワーだったから歩道が人でいっぱいだったってことだね。
Sam: そう…それで、その車の運転手は止まったの?
Cliff: いいや、そこが最低な話なんだけど、そのまま走って行ってしまったんだ。
Sam: 車のナンバーは読めたの?
Cliff: 僕はわからなかったけど、そばを歩いていた人が事故を見て、ナンバーを書き留めておいてくれたんだ。
Sam: 親切な人ね。
Cliff: うん。だから、今すぐ、あのいけ好かない野郎を訴えてやるんだ。