Lesson 183
Sandy and Eric are discussing Sandy's day at the office.
Sandy and Eric are discussing Sandy's day at the office.
Eric: Hi, honey! How was your day?
Sandy: Arghhh! I’m that close to tearing my hair out!
Eric: What happened?
Sandy: It’s the new receptionist, Angela.
Eric: You mean the eighteen year old they hired last week?
Sandy: Yeah. She’s only been there a week but she’s getting on my nerves already. The girl doesn’t have a clue about work ethics.
Eric: What’s she been doing?
Sandy: Well for starters, she sits at reception and does her nails. If we ask her to type documents for us, she tells us we have to wait until her nail polish is dry!
Eric: Oh, no way!
Sandy: And that’s not all! She lets the phone ring for what seems like an age, and when she does answer, she’s rude to our clients!
Eric: It sounds like she has no idea. Where did they dig her up?
Sandy: She’s the boss’ niece. What’s more, she’s his favourite niece.
Eric: You’re kidding! Well, they’re not going to get rid of her in a hurry then, are they?
Sandy: Fat chance!
I'm that close to tearing my hair out!
"tear one's hair out"は、文字通り「髪をかきむしる」という意味の他に、「取り乱す、悲しむ」にもなります。同じ意味の表現では、"frustrated," "at one's wit's end" などがあります。
ex: I sometimes tear my hair out over some difficult customers.
She's only been there a week but she's getting on my nerves already.
"nerve"は「神経」という意味の名詞で、"get on someone's nerves"は、「〜の神経にさわる、〜の気にさわる、イライラさせる」ということ。"give someone the nerves"でも同じ意味になります。
ex: It really gets on my nerves when people lose their patience too easily.
The girl doesn't have a clue about work ethics.
"have a clue"で「知っている、感づく、悟る」。"clue"は「手がかり、ヒント」のことです。同様の表現として、"have an idea"があります。
ex: I wouldn't have a clue where he is now.
Where did they dig her up?
"dig"は「掘る」という意味の動詞で、"dig up"となると「掘り出す」。ここでは「(人を)探し出す、発掘する」ということ。
Words & Phrases
Eric: ハニー! 今日はどうだった?
Sandy: アー! 髪をかきむしる寸前よ!
Eric: どうしたんだい?
Sandy: 新入りの受付、アンジェラよ。
Eric: 先週雇ったばかりの18歳?
Sandy: うん。働き始めてまだ1週間しかたってないけど、もうムカツクわ。労働倫理を分かってないのよ。
Eric: なにをしでかしてるの?
Sandy: まず、受付で座って、爪の手入れをするのよ。書類を作ってって頼んでも、マニキュアが乾くまで待てって言うの!
Eric: マジかよ!
Sandy: それだけじゃないわ! 電話が鳴ってもずーっと放置しっぱなしで、電話に出ても、お客さんに無礼な態度をとるの!
Eric: なんにも分かってないみたいだね。どこで彼女を見つけて雇ったの?
Sandy: 社長の姪なのよ。しかも、お気に入りの姪なのよ。
Eric: ホントかよ! それじゃあ、彼女をすぐに追い払うことはないんじゃないかな?
Sandy: ないわね!