Lesson 204
Cindy has made a shocking discovery. She complains about it to her friend Martin.
Cindy has made a shocking discovery. She complains about it to her friend Martin.
Martin: What’s up Cindy? You look like you’re in shock!
Cindy: I am! We got our bonuses direct credited into our bank accounts yesterday. Up until now, we’ve always received the equivalent of one month’s salary, but when I checked my account this morning, I found that the bonus I received was less than half the amount I’d been expecting!
Martin: Less than half? No wonder you’re looking so unhappy. Is your company in trouble or something?
Cindy: Business hasn’t been too good. Last month we recorded our first loss in years. But if you ask me, the president’s got his priorities wrong. Instead of cutting bonuses, he should be cutting the annual company trip overseas.
Martin: You all get to go overseas?
Cindy: Yeah, at the company’s expense. It’s compulsory. This year we went to Hawaii.
Martin: Cool!
Cindy: Yeah, but I’d rather have a proper bonus than have to hang out with all those old geezers from sales for a whole week.
We got our bonuses direct credited into our bank accounts yesterday.
"credit $ 〜 into a bank account"は直訳すると「〜ドルを銀行口座の貸し方に記入する」。これは「〜ドルを預金口座にプラスする、入金する」ということです。
ex: The interest is credited to your account on the last day of the month.
we've always received the equivalent of one month's salary
ex: This "it" has no equivalent in Japanese.
But if you ask me, the president's got his priorities wrong.
"if you ask me"は「言わせてもらえば」。「言わないほうがいいかもしれないけど、強いて言えば」と前置きして自分の意見を述べるときに使う表現です。"get one's priorities wrong"で「本末転倒する」。大事なことを取り違えて、枝葉末節なことを優先させるという意味のイディオムです。
ex: If you ask me, it's a waste of time!
Yeah, at the company's expense.
"at the company's expense"は「会社の経費で、社用で」。"at the expense of 〜"や"at the 〜's expense"には「〜を犠牲にして、〜を食い物にして」という意味でも使われます。
ex:The managers are travelling in Europe at the company's expense.
but I'd rather have a proper bonus than have to hang out with all those old geezers from sales for a whole week.
"would/had rather 〜 than …"で「…するくらいなら〜するほうがましだ」という表現です。
"hang out with someone"で「(人と)一緒にぶらぶらする、行動を共にする」。
ex: I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for what I'm not.
Words & Phrases
Martin: どうしたの、シンディ?ショックを受けているみたいだよ!
Cindy: 受けてるわよ!昨日ボーナスが銀行口座に振り込まれたの。今までは、いつも給料1ヵ月分ぐらいもらってたんだけど、今朝口座を調べてみたら、私が受け取ったボーナスが期待していた額の半分より少なかったのよ!
Martin: 半分より少ないの?君がそんなに不満そうなのもムリないね。会社にトラブルか何かあったの?
Cindy: 業績があまり良くないの。先月は、数年ぶりに損失を記録したわ。でも、言わせてもらえば、社長は本末転倒よ。ボーナスをカットするんじゃなく、毎年恒例の社員海外旅行をやめるべきだわ。
Martin: 社員全員が海外に行くの?
Cindy: うん、会社の経費でね。全員参加が義務付けられているのよ。今年はハワイに行ったわ。
Martin: カッコイイ!
Cindy: うん、でも、まるまる1週間の間、営業のおジイちゃんたちと行動を共にしなきゃいけないくらいなら、適正な額のボーナスをもらいたいわね。