Lesson 256
Steve, a diving enthusiast, is talking to his friend Jen about scuba diving. He is trying to convince her to give it a try.
Steve, a diving enthusiast, is talking to his friend Jen about scuba diving. He is trying to convince her to give it a try.
Steve: Have you ever tried scuba diving, Jen?
Jen: No, I’m kind of scared of the whole diving thing. I mean, I hear all of these stories about the bends, and dangerous fish and coral and stuff. I don’t think it’s for me.
Steve: I guess there are several things that could go wrong underwater, but if you’ve been trained and you follow the rules, there’s really nothing to worry about.
Jen: I don’t know.
Steve: It’s really worth trying, even just once. It’s like a whole other world down there, and it can be an amazing experience.
Jen: That’s what a lot of people tell me, but I think I’d prefer to stick to surfing rather than take my chances in the deep.
S: Well, to be honest, I think you have more of chance meeting with an accident surfing than you do diving.
Jen: It does have its dangers, but as long as you don’t do anything stupid, you should be okay.
Steve: Diving’s the same way. You just have to follow the rules. Say, I’m going next weekend. Why don’t you come along and give it a try? There’s a great shallow pool where you can see all kinds of fish and things. It’s perfect for a novice diver.
Jen: Well, if it’s shallow it can’t be too bad. Why not? Sure, I go with you.
Steve: Great.
I think I'd prefer to stick to surfing rather than take my chances in the deep.
"take one's chance"(あるいは"take a chance")で、「一か八かやってみる、リスクを承知の上でやってみる」。後に出てくる"give it a try"よりもリスクが高いニュアンスがあります。
ex: When you fall in love, take your chance at it!
It does have its dangers,
"主語 + have its 〜"で、「主語には〜がある」。この表現はとても便利でいろいろ応用できます。
ex: This game has its good points and bad points.
Say, I'm going next weekend.
cx: Let's share the workload, say, four hours each per day.
Why don't you come along and give it a try?
"give it a try"で「試してみる、挑戦してみる」ちょっと試してみるというときに使う表現です。"Give it a try!"で「やってみなよ!」という表現です。
ex: "What are you having?"
"I'll give this new drink a try."
Words & Phrases
Steve: ジェン、スキューバ・ダイビングはやったことある?
Jen: ないわ、ダイビングってちょっとおっかなくて。ほら、良く聞くじゃない、潜水病とか、危ない魚とか、サンゴとかさ。わたしには向いてないわよ。
Steve: そりゃ水中には危険なこともいくつかあるけどさ、ちゃんと訓練して、ルールに従えば、ホントなにも心配することはないんだぜ。
Jen: どうかしら。
Steve: やってみる価値はあるって、1回だけでもさ。水中にはまったくの別世界が広がってるって感じで、すごく良い経験になるぜ。
Jen: みんなそう言うけど、わたしはサーフィンに専念するほうがいいわ。危険を冒してまで潜り込むよりも。
Steve: ぶっちゃけ、ダイビングよりもサーフィンのほうが、事故りやすいんじゃないか。
Jen: そりゃサーフィンは危険なこともあるけど、ヘンな事さえしなければ大丈夫よ。
Steve: ダイビングだって同じだぜ。ただルールに従えばいいんだもん。でさ、オレ週末に行くんだ。キミも一緒に行って、やってみない? 浅めのすごく良いプールがあって、いろんな魚とかみることができるんだ。初心者のダイバーにはもってこいだぜ。
J: うーん、浅いならなんとかなるかもね。いいわ。一緒に行く。
Steve: やったぜ。