Lesson 266
Kelly and Reiko are going out to a party. They have both just finished getting dressed.
Kelly and Reiko are going out to a party. They have both just finished getting dressed.
Kelly: Wow, Reiko, you look great. Where did you get that dress?
Reiko: Well, first of all, you look amazing yourself! I got this dress in Sunshine G, the place you introduced me to.
Kelly: Oh really. It’s a great shop, isn’t it?
Reiko: Yeah. I love your earrings. Where did you get those?
Kelly: Well, I made them myself actually.
Reiko: No way! They look really professional. Would you make me some?
Kelly: Sure. I really enjoy making jewelry. Ok. We better get going.
Reiko: You’re right. We’re already running a little late.
first of all
ex) First of all, he told us about his trip.
We better get going.
"get going"で「出発する、取り掛かる」という意味。帰るときに使うフレーズとして、"I'd better get going"、"We'd better get going"とそのまま覚えておくと便利です。
We're already running a little late.
"be running late"で、「予定の時間よりも遅れる」という意味。予定通り、あるいは予定より早い場合は、"be running to time"、"be running ahead of time"というフレーズが使われます。
ex: I was in a hurry because I was running late for work.
Kelly: わー、レイコ、ステキね。その服どこで買ったの?
Reiko: っていうか、ケリーったらすごく驚いている顔してるわね!?磴辰燭里魯汽鵐轡礇ぅ鵤任任茵▲吋蝓爾・匆陲靴討・譴拭
Kelly: ホント。いいお店でしょ?
Reiko: うん。ケリーのイアリングもステキね。どこで買ったの?
Kelly: じつは自分で作ったの。
Reiko: うっそー! ちゃんとした製品みたいよ。あたしにも作ってくれない?
Kelly: いいわよ。ジュエリー作るのダイスキ。さあ、もう行かないと。
Reiko: そうね。すでにちょっと遅れてるし。