Lesson 270
Two friends, Tim and Sara, are hanging out together during a thunderstorm. Inevitably a conversation about thunderstorms begins.
Two friends, Tim and Sara, are hanging out together during a thunderstorm. Inevitably a conversation about thunderstorms begins.
Tim: I love summer thunderstorms.
Sara: You do?
Tim: Yeah, especially at night. There’s nothing better than being in place with a big open sky, and seeing the lightning streak across, and then hear a big clap of thunder as everything goes black again.
Sara: See, I’m the complete opposite of you. I don’t like thunderstorms at all. I’ve hated them since I was a kid. I’m always afraid of being struck by lightning. I mean, I don’t even use the phone or electrical appliances during electrical storms because I’ve heard of people getting zapped through the power outlets.
Tim: That’s a little extreme don’t you think.
Sara: Maybe. But I’m not taking any chances.
Tim: I don’t know. I think you’re missing out.
There's nothing better than being in place with a big open sky
"There's nothing better than"のもとの形は、関係詞"that"が入り、"There is nothing that is better than"となります。「〜より良いものはない」、すなわち「〜は最高だ」という意味。 "Nothing is better than"としても同じです。
ex: There's nothing better than a guy who can play rock guitar.
I'm the complete opposite of you.
"the opposite of someone/something"という形で、「〜とは正反対の人・物」という意味。
ex: "What is the opposite of "to exceed"?"
"To fall short of"
「"to exceed"の反対はなんだ?」
「"To fall short of"」
I've heard of people getting zapped through the power outlets.
"zap someone/something"は、"kill/hit someone/something"と同じ意味のインフォーマルな表現です。この場合は、"hit"(雷に打たれる)という意味で使われています。
I'm not taking any chances.
"take one's chance"(あるいは"take a chance")で、「一か八かやってみる、リスクを承知の上でやってみる」。
ex: When you fall in love, take your chance at it!
Words & Phrases
Tim: 夏の雷は最高だぜ。
Sara: そう?
Tim: ああ、特に夜はな。広々とした空の下で稲妻が走り、雷鳴が聞こえてきてまた暗闇に戻る。これ以上の楽しみはないよ。
Sara: わたしはまったく逆だわ。雷はニガテなの。子どものころからニガテだったわ。雷に打たれるんじゃないかっていつも心配しちゃう。雷雨のときは、電話も電化製品も使わないわ。電気を出すものから雷に打たれちゃったっていう人の話を聞くし。
Tim: ちょっと大げさじゃないか。
Sara: かもね。でも、危険は冒さないわよ。
Tim: どうかな。もったいないような気がするぜ。