Lesson 304
Denise is having trouble with her TV and asks Mike for help.
Denise is having trouble with her TV and asks Mike for help.
D: Mike, are you any good with TVs? Mine has been playing up a
bit lately.
M: Well, I’m not much of an electrician, but I’ll have a look at
it for you.
D: Thanks Mike. It’s really driving me nuts. I’ll be totally
engrossed in a programme, and all of a sudden, the picture will
start rolling and other times, I’ll turn it on and all I get
is static.
M: That doesn’t sound too good. How old is it?
D: I only bought it a couple of years back. I’ve never heard of
the maker before, but it was really cheap, so I bought it.
Maybe I should’ve gone with a more well-known manufacturer.
M: Well, we won’t know until I take a look at it. Hopefully
it’ll be something simple like a reception problem. I’ll
stop by on my way home tonight and check it out for you.
D: Thanks Mike, I’d really appreciate it.
Mine has been playing up a bit lately.
機械や体の一部が"be playing up"というと、「調子が悪い、うまくきのうしていない」という意味になります。インフォーマルなイギリス英語です。
I'm not much of an electrician,
"not much of 〜"で「たいした〜ではない」。会話で使われるくだけた表現です。
ex: Though the weather forecast says it's going to rain tomorrow, that's not much of a problem.
It's really driving me nuts.
通常「物」が主語に来て、"drive someone nuts/crazy"の形で「〜をイライラさせる、腹立たせる」という意味。
ex: This city drives me nuts with traffic.
Maybe I should've gone with a more well-known manufacturer
ここでの"go with"は「〜とともに行く」という意味から転じて、「〜を選ぶ」という意味。その他「〜と付き合う、〜に合う」などの意味があります。
Words & Phrases
D: マイク、テレビには詳しい? うちのテレビが最近調子悪いのよ。
M: 専門家じゃないけど、一応調べてあげるよ。
D: ありがとう、マイク。ホント頭にくるわ。番組に熱中してるときに、
M: 良くないみたいだな。いつ買ったの?
D: 数年前よ。メーカーの名前は聞いたことなかったけど、すごく安かっ
M: まあ、ぼくが調べてみるまで分からないよ。単に受信の問題とかかも
D: ありがとう、マイク。助かるわ。