Lesson 306
Lucy goes in to rent a video for the evening, and gets a bit of a surprise when she goes to pay.
Lucy goes in to rent a video for the evening, and gets a bit of a surprise when she goes to pay.
C: Will that be everything this evening?
L: Yes, that’s it.
C: Do you have your membership card?
L: Uh…yes, here it is.
C: Alright, with tax your total comes to $4.25. Would you like a
L: $4.25!? But this is an old movie.
C: I know ma’am. Old movies are $3.95 for a week. With tax it comes
to $4.25.
L: My god. When did that happen?
C: It’s been like that for a while now.
L: I guess it’s been quite a while since I last rented a film here.
C: Well, if you rent more than one film you get a discount. You can
see on our chart here.
L: You know what, that’s okay. I’ll keep it in mind for next time.
Here’s $4.25, and I don’t need a bag.
C: Alright, there’s your movie and your receipt. Have a nice
L: Thanks.
with tax your total comes to $4.25.
"come to"は「〜に達する、合計〜となる」という意味です。
ex) We came to the same coclution.
It's been like that for a while now.
"for a while"で「しばらくの間」。直後のルーシーは"it's been
quite a while"の場合は、"quite"(かなり)という意味の副詞が入っ
ex: You won't be seeing or hearing from me for quite a while.
Well, if you rent more than one film you get a discount.
"get a discount"で「割引してもらう」。"get"の他に"receive"や
ex: If you order over $100 worth of goods, you get a 25% discount.
You know what, that's okay.
"You know what?"で、話を切り出すときに相手の注意をひく表現です。
似たような表現で"I'll tell you what."がありますが、こちらは
Words & Phrases
C: 以上でよろしいでしょうか?
L: ええ。
C: 会員証はお持ちでしょうか?
L: えー・・・はい、どうぞ。
C: はい、消費税を含みまして4ドル25セントになります。袋はご利用に
L: 4ドル25セント!? これは旧作でしょ?
C: そうです。旧作は1週間で3ドル95セントになります。消費税を入れ
L: あら。いつからそうなったの?
C: けっこう前からですよ。
L: 私もここで映画を借りるのは久しぶりだから。
C: 2本以上借りれば、割り引きとなります。こちらの価格表でご確認いた
L: まあ、いいわ。次に借りるときのために覚えておくわね。はい、4ドル
C: かしこまりました。ビデオとレシートになります。ありがとうございま
L: どうも。