Lesson 310
Troy is talking to Molly about a party they have been invited to.
Troy is talking to Molly about a party they have been invited to.
T: Hey Molly, Seth’s invited us over for a barbecue on Saturday
night. He’s just finished building a new patio onto the back
of the house, and he wants to show it off.
M: That sounds great. Who else is invited?
T: Just the usual bunch, Glenn and Cindy, Jerry and Carol, and Dan
and Vanessa.
M: Vanessa? Well, if she’s invited I’m not going.
T: What? What’s up with you all of a sudden?
M: I’m not going to any party that that backstabbing cow has been
invited to. I’m sorry, but if you want to go, you can go by
T: Oh God, are you still going on about her deciding to take her
sister to see that Billy Joel concert instead of you?
M: We made a pact that we’d go together if one of us got tickets.
She knows what a big fan I am and yet she ignored me and took
Heather, who isn’t even a fan!
T: Come on, I’m sure you’ll get the chance to see him in concert
again. Why can’t you just forgive and forget?
M: Forgive?! Forget?! Not in a million years!
and he wants to show it off.
"show off"は、「自慢する、見せびらかす、披露する」という意味。
「自慢する」という意味では"boast," "brag" という言い方もあります。
ex: She loves to show off her expensive jewellery.
What's up with you all of a sudden?
"What's up with 〜?"は、「〜の話は?」から、「〜はどうしたの?」という意味になります。"what's the story with 〜?" "what's the matter with 〜?" としてもほぼ同じです。
ex: What's up with her?
are you still going on about her deciding to take her sister to see that Billy Joel concert instead of you?
"going on about... "は、「〜についていっぱい話す」という意味。
ex: What are you going on about?
Words & Phrases
T: モリー、土曜の夜にバーベキューするからこないかって、セスに誘われ
M: いいじゃない。ほかに誰が来るの?
T: いつものメンツだよ。グレンとシンディー、ジェリーとキャロル、
M: ベネッサ? えー、あのオンナが誘われたんなら、あたし行かない。
T: はあ? どうしたんだい、突然?
M: あの影でこそこそするオンナが誘われるパーティーには、あたし行かない
T: おいおい、ビリー・ジョエルのコンサートにキミじゃなくて妹をつれてっ
M: 2人のうちどっちかがチケットをゲットしたら、一緒に行こうって約束し
T: ほら、きっとまたコンサートを観る機会はあるって。そんなことは許して、
M: 許す?! 忘れる?! 100万年ムリよ!