Lesson 326
Hillary sees her husband Bill outside their house shoveling their driveway. She is concerned because he's doing it all by himself.
Hillary sees her husband Bill outside their house shoveling their driveway. She is concerned because he's doing it all by himself.
H: Bill, be careful. There’s a lot of snow out there. You don’t want
to give yourself another heart attack.
B: I’ll be just fine, dear, don’t worry.
H: Well, you know, shoveling snow is one of the leading causes of
heart attacks among men over the age of fifty. I’ll ask Al to
help you.
B: Hillary, I don’t need any help. My heart is perfectly fine.
Besides, I’m in great shape. All the doctors said so. They just
told me to cut down on stress, which I have, thank you very much.
H: I still don’t think it would hurt if you had a little help. Al’s
up in his room on the internet or something. I’ll go get him.
B: No. Hillary, I told you, that’s not necessary. If you keep up this
nagging, it’ll be you, not the snow that gives me another heart
attack. Now, please, let me finish what I started.
H: Fine. Have it your way. But if anything goes wrong, don’t say I
didn’t warn you.
B: Yeah, yeah.
You don't want to give yourself another heart attack.
“You don't want 〜" は、「〜たくないでしょ?、〜はイヤでしょう?」という意味。誰かを注意する時に使う。
Ex: You don't want daddy to get angry, do you?
I'm in great shape.
“great shape" は、「調子がいい、体調がいい、健康である」という意味。
“couldn't be better," “great form," という言い方もある。反対は“bad shape" “out of condition," “rough shape" となる。
Ex. He's in great shape for an eighty year old.
They just told me to cut down on stress
“cut down on 〜" は、「〜を減らす、〜を削減する」という意味。
“cut back on," “reduce," “lessen"という言い方もある。
Ex. I don't want any cake. I'm trying to cut down on calories.
I still don't think it would hurt if you had a little help.
“I don't think it would hurt" は、「〜してもいいと思う、〜しても損はない、〜をやってみたらどう?」という意味。何かを提案する時に、提案が柔らかく聞こえるために使う。
Ex. I don't think it would hurt if we left an hour early.
H: ビル、気をつけてね。外は大雪よ。また、心臓発作になったら大変よ。
B: 大丈夫だよ。心配しないで。
H: でもね、雪かきは、50歳以上の男性に最も多い心臓発作の原因の一つな
B: ヒラリー、僕に手伝いはいらないよ。僕の心臓は全然平気さ。だって体調
だって良いし。お医者さんたちもみんなそう言ってたし。 ただ、ストレス
H: でも、少しぐらい手伝ってもらっても、何も悪いことはないじゃない。
B: やめてくれ、ヒラリー。必要ないって言っただろ。そうやってガミガミ
って! お願いだから、最後までやらせてくれよ!
H: どうぞ、勝手にすれば。でも、大変なことになっても私のせいにしない
B: 分かってるよ!