Lesson 342
Ben turns down a request from his friend Charlotte.
Ben turns down a request from his friend Charlotte.
C: Hey Ben, are you free this weekend? I’m finally moving into my
new apartment and I was wondering if you could help me move some
of the heavy stuff
B: I’d love to Charlotte, but I’m tied up all this weekend. My
parents are coming to visit and they’ve asked me to take them on
a tour of the wineries.
C: Oh, that’s too bad. I really needed someone with a few muscles.
There’s no way us girls will be able to get the fridge and washing
machine up all those stairs!
B: Have you asked Rob and Alex? I don’t think they have anything on
this weekend. Alex was moaning about the fact that he’d probably
have to resort to doing his laundry since there would be nothing
better to do.
C: Really? Great. I’ll give him a call now. Thanks, Ben.
B: No problem. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more use.
I'm tied up all this weekend.
「be tied up~」で、忙しくて手が離せない、暇が無いという意味になる。
ex. I'm tied up now. Can I get back to later?
I really needed someone with a few muscles.
“someone with a few muscles" で、「筋肉のある誰か」、つまり力のある人のことを指している。
ex. Is there anyone here with a few muscles who can help me carry this box?
Alex was moaning about the fact that he'd probably have to resort to doing his laundry since there would be nothing better to do.
“moan about〜"で、「〜について不平、不満を言う」、「〜を嘆く」という意味。
「resort to〜」で、「(最後の手段もしくは選択として)〜に訴える、〜に頼る、用いる」という意味。
ex. All she does is moan about how unfortunate she is.
ex. They resorted to legal action to resolve the dispute.
C: ねぇ、ベン、あなた今週末空いているかしら?私、やっと新しいアパート
B: 力になりたいよ、シャーロット、でも今週末はずっとふさがっているんだ
C: ああ、それは残念。力のある人が本当に必要なの。あの階段で、冷蔵庫
B: ロブとアレックスには聞いてみた?今週末、彼らに予定はなかったと思う
C: 本当?いいわ。私、今すぐ彼に電話をしてみるわ。ありがとう、ベン。
B: どうってことないさ。もっと力になることが出来なくてすまないね。