Lesson 358
Jill is reading an article about language acquisition and she comes across something interesting that she decides to share with her boyfriend Kevin.
Jill is reading an article about language acquisition and she comes across something interesting that she decides to share with her boyfriend Kevin.
J: Hey, Kevin, listen to this…okay, what do you think is the most difficult language for English speakers to learn?
K: Oh man, I don’t know…I heard Finnish was supposed to be pretty difficult, but some of those Asian languages look pretty hard too. Like, I’d be inclined to say Japanese or Chinese would be up there as well.
J: So which one do you think it is?
K: I don’t know. I’d say it’s got to be either Finnish or Chinese.
J: Okay, but you have to pick one.
K: I’ll say Finnish, then, just ‘cause I’ve heard it’s really out there.
J: Finnish, huh. Well, according to this article, the most difficult language for native English speakers is Hungarian.
K: Hungarian?!
J: Yeah. Its nouns can have up to 35 different cases, and it is unlike any other European language.
K: Hungarian? Really?
J: You were close when you mentioned Japanese. It’s number two according to this. It doesn’t say anything about Finnish, but it says that Chinese isn’t all that difficult for English speakers. Many of the sounds in Chinese can be found in English, and the grammar is similar.
K: Huh, I never would have guessed.
I heard Finnish was supposed to be pretty difficult,
“supposed to 〜" は、「〜することになっている、〜するはずである」という意味のイディオム。
ex. You were supposed to do this for homework yesterday.
I'd be inclined to say Japanese or Chinese would be up there as well.
“inclined to do 〜
Inclined to agree with 〜 「〜の意見に傾いている」、feel inclined
to 〜 「〜したいような気がする」など。
ex. Lots of men have asked me out, but I'm not inclined to date right now.
I'd say it's got to be either Finnish or Chinese.
“got to be〜" は「きっと〜だ」という意味のイディオム。
その他、使える表現として、That's got to be a lie. 「そんなのウソに決まってる」You've got to be joking! 「冗談でしょ!」、I've got to be running. 「もう行かないと」などがある。
ex.. It's so hot today! It's got to be at least 35 degrees!
it says that Chinese isn't all that difficult for English speakers.
使われる状況によって、“all that" は意味が変わる。ここでは、否定の中で使われているので、「それほど」の意味になる。
ex. I saw that movie Peter recommended but I didn't find it all that interesting.
I never would have guessed.
「思ってもみなかったよ。」“never would have 〜" は「絶対〜しなかっただろう」という意味のイディオム。
ex. I never would have thought she'd leave her husband.
J: ちょっと、ケビン、聞いて・・・さて、英語を話す人達が習得するのに
K: なんだろう、分からないよ・・・フィンランド語はとても難しいはずなん
J: それで、どれが一番難しいと思う?
K: わかんないよ。たぶん、フィンランド語か中国語じゃないの?
J: そうなんだけど、1つ選ばなきゃ。
K: それじゃ、フィンランド語だよ、理由はすごく変わってるから。
J: フィンランド語ね。うーん、この記事によると、英語を話す人達とって
K: ハンガリー語?!
J: そう。35種類の名詞があって、他のどのヨーロッパの言語にも似てない
K: ハンガリー語?本当に?
J: 日本語はちょっとおしかったわ。これによると、2番目に難しい言語に
K: そうなんだ、思ってもみなかったよ。