Lesson 401
Angelica and Chase are trying to decide on who to employ to fill a vacant position in their company.
Angelica and Chase are trying to decide on who to employ to fill a vacant position in their company.
A: Angelica
C: Chase
A: Well, all in all I’d say that the level of candidate was very
high this time around.
C: Yes, it was. I think any of the people we interviewed today
would do well in the position.
A: So do I. Both Calliope and Giles were very impressive, but I
think that Cooper seems to best fit the bill. He’s a strong
personality who looks like he can handle leadership, he has all
the experience we’re looking for and his resume was excellent.
C: Yes, his experience would certainly be invaluable, but I’m a
little concerned about whether he would be an effective team
A: Well, according to his resume, he’s worked in a lot of successful
teams over the past few years. Why don’t we talk to a couple of
his previous employers and see what they have to say?
C: Sure. If he can do the team thing, then I think he’d be the best
person for the job. If not, I’d have to say Calliope.
A: I think so too. She doesn’t quite have the experience Cooper
has, but she was very energetic and had a lot of good ideas.
C: I agree. Well, why don’t we call some of these employers and
then get back to each other at the end of the day to make a
A: Sounds good. I’ll talk to you later then.
I think that Cooper seems to best fit the bill.
“I think that 〜" で「〜だと思う」の意味。“that"の後ろには、
“seem to 〜" で「〜のように見える・思われる」の意味。注:“to"の
“fit the bill" で「必要条件を満たす、要求にかなう、期待に沿う」
Ex: We seem to be short of people.
Ex. We are looking for a new CEO, but unfortunately we can't
find anyone who fits the bill.
I'm a little concerned about whether he would be an effective team player.
“be concerned about 〜" で「〜ついて心配している、〜に気遣ってい
る、〜に思いやられる」の意味。“whether" は、接続詞で「〜かどうか、
〜であろうがなかろうが」の意味。 代わりに“if"を用いる言い方もある
が、“if" よりも堅い言い方で書き言葉に適している。
Ex: I'm concerned about whether my own future is going to be O.K.
Well, why don't we call some of these employers and then get back to each other at the end of the day to make a decision?
“why don't we 〜"は「〜したらどうだい、しませんか?」の意味で、
の箇所はその状況に応じて、“you, he, she"などに置きかえられる。
注:“he, she"などの三人称単数の場合は “don't" は “doesn't"
Ex: Why don't we get together for a drink?
A: 今回の応募者のレベルは全体的に高かったわね。
C: そうですね。今日面接した誰もが仕事をうまくやれると思いますよ。
A: 私もそう思う。カライオピもジャイルズもとても優れていたけど、クー
C: そうですね。彼の経験は確かに貴重なものになるでしょうけど、うまく
A: でも、履歴書によって、この数年間たくさんの成功したチームのメンバ
ーでした。 前の雇用主に連絡して話を聞いてみようか?
C: 分かりました。チームワークが大丈夫であれば、彼がこの仕事に最適だ
A: 私もそう思う。彼女はクーパーほどの経験はないけど、とても活発的で
C: 僕も同感です。では、ここに書いてある雇用主に電話して、今日の終わ
A: そうしましょう。じゃ、また後でね。