Lesson 420
Hank is returning some videos that are really late. He's hoping that he can pay and get out of the video store without too much hassle.
Hank is returning some videos that are really late. He's hoping that he can pay and get out of the video store without too much hassle.
H: Hank
C: Clerk
H: I’d like to return these please.
C: Alright. One moment please … Ooh, these are really late.
H: Yes. I know. I forgot about them … Listen, can I just pay the
late fee and get out of here?
C: You know we tried calling you a couple of times about these?
H: Yeah. I know. I’m sorry. If I could just pay that would be…
C: You knew we called you and you still didn’t return them?
H: I was away when you called.
C: I see. Well, you know it probably would have been less expensive
if you were to have just bought these movies instead?
H: I’m sure it would have. Now can we dispense with the lecture
and get to the part where I pay and get out of here?
C: Okay. No need to get testy… Three movies, three weeks late. That
comes to $50.
H: Fifty Dollars?!
C: I told you. You would have been better off buying them.
H: Whatever. Here. Take it.
Listen, can I just pay the late fee and get out of here?
ex: Listen, I'm going to be late this evening, so I won't need
Now can we dispense with the lecture
“dispense with 〜"は、「〜を省く、〜を抜きにする、〜を免除する」
という意味。その他に、“do away with 〜", “skip 〜",“pass
on 〜"という言い方もある。
ex: Let's dispense with formalities and have a beer.
No need to get testy
意味。“irritable", “tetchy",“huffy",“miffy"などと同じ意味。
ex: He tends to get testy when he doesn't get enough sleep.
H: 返却お願いします。
C: はい。少々お待ち下さい。おー、これは随分遅れてますね。
H: ええ、そうなんです。忘れてまして・・・。あの、延滞金をお支払い
C: 何度かこの件でお電話致しましたが、ご存知ですか?
H: はい、知っています。申し訳ありません。もし、お支払いすれば、それ
C: 私共が電話したのをご存知だったのに、返却しなかったのですか?
H: お電話頂いた時、留守にしてまして。
C: なるほど、そうですか。まあ、これらのビデオを代わりに買っていたら、
H: そうだったでしょうね。もう、お説教は結構ですから、支払って、帰っ
C: 良いですよ。怒らなくても良いじゃないですか。映画三本、三週間延滞。
H: 50ドル?!
C: お話したじゃないですか。買ったほうが良かったんですよ。
H: どうでも良いよ。ほら。受け取れよ!