つかえる英会話Daily / Travel

Lesson 431 中級

Birthday card

Lisa and her friend Graham are on their way to a birthday party for their friend Tom. Lisa has to stop along the way to pick up a birthday card.



Lisa and her friend Graham are on their way to a birthday party for their friend Tom. Lisa has to stop along the way to pick up a birthday card.

G: Graham
L: Lisa

G: Why are we stopping here?

L: I have to buy a birthday card for Tom. It’ll just take
a minute.

G: But we have to be there in 15 minutes. It’s a surprise party,
remember? It’s the kind of thing you’re supposed to show up for
on time.

L: Don’t worry about it. We’ll get there on time.


G: Will you hurry up and pick one already.

L: It’s not that simple…Oh, they never have any good cards. They’re
either not funny or really corny.

G: What difference does it make? It’s just a stupid card.

L: The kind of card you give someone can say a lot about you. You
can’t give just any old card you know.

G: Well, we’re now down to ten minutes, and it’s going to take almost
that long to get there.

L: Alright. Alright…Ohh, I can’t decide.

G: Here. Here’s a blank one with a nice picture on the front. You
can write whatever you want inside.

L: But this card just isn’t me.

G: Lisa!

L: Oh, fine. Have it your way.



They're either not funny or really corny.

"Mickey Mouse", "crappy", "crumby", "lousy", "cheesy"
Ex: That song is really corny.

You can't give just any old card you know.

"any old 〜"は「どんな〜でも」という意味。ここで、"old"
例えば、"good old time"「とても楽しい時間」、"same old A
story"「よくある話、よくあること」、"good old boy"
Ex: He eats any old thing.

But this card just isn't me.

"〜isn't me"は「私らしくない、私がやることではない、
Ex: I like the style but the colour just isn't me.



G: なんでここに止まるの?

L: トムにバースデーカードを買わなきゃ。そんなに時間はかからない

G: だけど、15分以内にそこにいなきゃいけないよ。サプライズパーティー

L: 心配しないで。時間通りに着くから。


G: 急いで、今すぐ決めてくれない。

L: そんなに簡単じゃないのよ・・・あぁ、良いカードって絶対ないのよね。

G: どこが違うのさ?ただの馬鹿げたカードだよ。

L: 誰かにあげるこういうカードは、あなた自身を表してるのよ。何でも

G: そうかい、あと10分しか残ってないよ。それに、あそこに着くのに、

L: はい、はい・・・うーん、決められない。

G: ほら。表に素敵な絵のついたブランクカードがあるよ。何でも好きな

L: だけど、このカード、全然私らしくないわ。

G: リサ!

L: 分かったわよ。好きなようにして。