Lesson 477
Fran and Cliff are discussing the upcoming World Cup.
Fran and Cliff are discussing the upcoming World Cup.
F: The World Cup’s almost here. Who are you picking?
C: I dunno really. You can’t go past Brazil. They seem to keep
producing all the best players. Maybe France too.
F: France? They’re a bit past it, aren’t they?
C: Yeah, I guess. Zidane’s getting on a bit. They’d have to be one of
the favourites though.
F: I think Portugal’s a bit of a dark horse. They did well in the
European champs, and they have a pretty good coach.
C: Japan could surprise a few teams.
F: Yeah, but do you really think they can go all the way?
C: Anything can happen.
F: Well, don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen.
C: I actually think England has a good chance this time.
F: Like I said, don’t hold your breath!
I dunno really.
"I dunno."は"I don't know."の口語的表現。"don't know."を早く
Ex: "Who's that guy over there?" "Dunno."
「あそこにいる男は誰?」 「分かんないな。」
They're a bit past it, aren't they?
"be past it"は「(年を取って)昔のようには(仕事などが)できない、
できなくなる」という意味。"be past its prime"「最盛期を過ぎた」
Ex: He may have been a great actor when he was younger, but at
sixty, I think he's past it now.
Zidane's getting on a bit.
"get on"は「年を取る、時が経つ、遅くなる」という意味。その他、
"advance in age", "get along in years","grow old",
"not get any younger", "put on years"などの言い方もある。
Ex: Have you seen the recent photos of Liz Taylor? She's
getting on, isn't she?!
I think Portugal's a bit of a dark horse.
"dark horse"は「(選挙・競技などで予想外の)新人、競争相手、
"a high horse"「高慢な態度、立腹、威張りちらすこと」、"eat like
a horse"「大食いする、もりもり食べる」、"hold one's horses"
「我慢する、しばらく待つ」、"horse around"「ばか騒ぎをする」など
Ex: You should be wary of dark horses.
Well, don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.
"don't hold your breath."は「期待しないように、期待するとばかを見る、
期待しても無駄だ、あまり期待するな」という意味。"hold one's breath"
Ex: I didn't hold my breath about the promotion.
F: ワールドカップは、もうすぐね。誰が勝つと思う?
C: よく分からないな。ブラジルは外せないよ。世界最高の選手がたくさん
F: フランス?フランスは、ちょっと終わってない?
C: そう、多分ね。ジダンも年を取ってきているけど。フランスは、優勝候補に
F: ポルトガルはちょっとした、予想外の実力者だと思うわ。ヨーロッパ大会
C: 日本が、何チームか打ち負かすかもよ。
F: そうね、だけど、日本が優勝できると、本当に思う?
C: 何が起きてもおかしくないよ。
F: まあ、それが起こるのをあまり期待しないで。
C: 実はね、今回はイギリスが良いチャンスに恵まれていると思うんだ。
F: 今言ったでしょ、期待しないの!