Lesson 487
Mary is house-hunting. Craig, a real estate agent is telling her about a property.
Mary is house-hunting. Craig, a real estate agent is telling her about a property.
C: Well Mary, what kind of property do you have in mind?
M: I’m looking for something with a large section and at least four
bedrooms. I don’t want to be too far away from town but I’d
like somewhere quiet.
C: I may have just the place for you. This house has just been put
on the market. It’s a lovely little place, very private and
quiet. And although it’s in a rural area, it’s very close to
town, so you get the best of both worlds.
M: Only five minutes from town. That certainly sounds ideal.
How big is the section?
C: Five acres. As you can see from the photo, it has lovely
landscaped gardens, and there’s also a small orchard and tennis
M: Very impressive. And it has four bedrooms?
C: That’s right. The master bedroom opens out onto a terrace with
a spa pool. The house also has a spacious family room, a newly
decorated kitchen and dining area and another terrace accessible
from the lounge which is ideal for barbecues.
M: Well, it sounds like what I’ve been looking for. When can I
take a look?
C: Right now if you like. I’ll just call ahead and let the owners
know we’re coming.
M: Thank you, Craig. That would be great.
Well Mary, what kind of property do you have in mind?
"have in mind"は「考えている、もくろんでいる」という意味。
その他"mind"を使ったイディオムには、"slip someone's mind"
「うっかり忘れる、思い出せない」、"out of one's mind"
「気が狂った」、"make up one's mind"「(色々考えた末に)
決心する」、"have no mind to 〜"「〜する気がない」などがある。
Ex: Does he have someone else in mind?
it's very close to town, so you get the best of both worlds.
"the best of both worlds"は 「二つの異なったもののそれぞれの
長所」という意味で、"get the best of both worlds"は「両方の
"the worst of both worlds"は「双方の悪いところ」という意味。
Ex: With this programme, you can attend an intensive language
course and experience a homestay, so you get the best of
both worlds.
When can I take a look?
"take a look"は「ちょっと見る、見てみる、調べる、一覧する」
という意味。"have a look"も同じ意味。"look at"は
「(気をつけて)よく見る」という意味で、"take/have a look at"は
Ex: Can I take a look at your new computer?
C: では、メアリーさん、どの様な不動産をお考えですか?
M: どこか、広い土地で最低四つの寝室があるところを探しています。
C: ちょうど良い物件があるかもしれません。こちらの家は、ちょうど、
M: 街から、たったの5分。確かに、理想的だわ。土地はどの位の広さ
C: 5エーカーです。写真でお分かりのように、綺麗な造園された庭、
M: とても素晴らしい。それで、寝室は四つありますか?
C: ありますよ。主寝室はスパ・プール付のテラスへ通じています。また、
M: なるほど、私が探していたものみたいね。いつ見られますか?
C: よろしければ、今すぐにでも。先に電話をして、オーナーに私達が
M: ありがとう、クレイグさん。そうして頂けると、助かるわ。