Lesson 535
Anita is showing Chad photos of her holiday abroad.
Anita is showing Chad photos of her holiday abroad.
A: Anita
C: Chad
A: …And these photos are of the cruise we took in the bay.
We were surprised how dark the sea was. So different to the
light blue we’re used to here.
C: You’re right, it’s almost black isn’t it?
A: The next day we went to this old prison and did a ghost tour.
It was pretty interesting, although we didn’t see any ghosts.
C: That’s too bad. It looks like you’ve taken a photo of a few though.
A: What?! I can’t see any ghosts!
C: Not ghosts as you know them, no. But you see these orbs?
These are all spirits.
A: Stop it! You’re creeping me out!
C: I’m serious.
A: But I thought it was just the camera playing up.
C: Uh-uh. Look, you’ve taken two pictures of the same house here,
but the second has all these orbs in it. That’s not the camera
playing up.
A: Ooh! That’s really freaky! Do you mean all these other photos
with the little lights in them are of ghosts too?
C: It sure looks like it. Well, I guess there were ghosts there
after all.
A: Eugh! Now I’ve gone all goose-pimply. Thanks to you, I’m not
going to get a wink of sleep tonight!
★★ You're creeping me out!
"creep out"で「ゾッっとさせる」という意味。"creep"の動詞には
などという意味もあります。"What a creep!"で、「なんて気持ち
Ex: That story crept her out. She almost cried.
★★ Well, I guess there were ghosts there after all.
"guess"は「推測する、想像する、〜と思う」。"Guess what?"は
に使います。"after all"は「結局(のところ)、どのみち、所詮」の
ように、話の締めくくり的に使用します。"even after all"では、
Ex: Even after all that you sang many songs, you still want to
sing more?
★★ Now I've gone all goose-pimply.
他に同じ意味で、"get goose pimples"、"feel goose pimples"など。
Ex: Why you've gone goose-pimply like that?
★ Thanks to you, I'm not going to get a wink of sleep tonight!
"thanks to you"は「おかげさまで」の意。"not get a wink of sleep"
ことを"get a wink"と言っています。ちょっと面白い表現ですね。
Ex: I couldn't get a wink of sleep last night…because of my
mistake on the presentation to a big client.
A: Anita
C: Chad
A: そしてこれが入江を周遊して撮った写真。あまりの海の暗さにみんな
C: そうだね、ほとんど黒だよね。
A: その次の日はこの古い刑務所に行って幽霊ツアーしたの。幽霊は見なかった
C: 残念だね。1枚に2〜3体の霊が写ってるようだけど。
A: は?何?! 私には幽霊なんて見えないけど!
C: 君が思ってるような幽霊じゃないよ、違う。でもこの丸いものわかる?
A: やめてよ! 気味の悪いこと言って怖がらせないで!
C: ふざけてないよ。
A: でもこれはただのカメラの具合だと思ってた。
C: 違うね。見てよ、同じ家の写真を2枚撮ってるよね。でも二枚目のには
A: なんてこと!すごい怖い!他の小さな光が写ってるのも全部幽霊の
C: 確かにそのようだね。まぁ、どのみちそこに幽霊はいたと思うな。
A: ウゥ〜! 今、全身に鳥肌立ってきた。ありがとね、今夜は寝ないことにする!