Lesson 543
Harry and his wife Chelsea have just been to a family gathering. Chelsea is sure that something is up with Harry's cousin Tara.
Harry and his wife Chelsea have just been to a family gathering. Chelsea is sure that something is up with Harry's cousin Tara.
H: Harry
C: Chelsea
H: It was nice to see Tara again. She’s obviously living the good
life down under. She looked the happiest I’ve seen her in a
long time.
C: Yeah, she did. Makes you wonder if she’s had some good news.
H: What do you mean?
C: Well, didn’t you notice?
H: Notice what?
C: Oh come on, honey! The rounded belly, the loose fitting clothes,
the way she kept putting her hand on her stomach. She’s got to
be pregnant.
H: Pregnant!? Surely she would have told us if she was expecting.
C: I don’t know. I mean, she didn’t tell us about Dave until a
week before they got married, did she?
H: Yeah, but having a baby’s a bit different, surely?
C: Well, it could be that she’s waiting until she’s a bit further
along before she makes an announcement. But there’s no doubt
in my mind. I mean, she even lay off the champagne tonight,
and you know how she loves her bubbly.
H: You know, come to think of it, she didn’t touch a drop.
That is unusual.
C: See? Something’s definitely up there.
H: Well, if that’s the case I’m sure she’ll make an announcement
before too long. Why waste time speculating about it?
C: What do you mean why waste time speculating?! Speculating’s
half the fun!
★ She's obviously living the good life down under.
"live the good life"で「快適に暮らす」という意味です。
"down under"はこの会話では「オーストラリア、(ニュージーランド)」
Ex: “Gordon is living the good life and he often travels down
under with his wife.
★★ You know, come to think of it, she didn't touch a drop.
"come to think of it"は「そういえば、考えてみると」です。
"touch a drop"で「お酒を飲む」ということです。反対に
「一滴も飲まない、絶対飲まない」は"never touch a drop"となります。
Ex: Now I come to think of it, Ralph might have thought of me
like his brother.
★ Well, if that's the case I'm sure she'll make an announcement before too long.
"if that's the case"で「もしそうだとしたら、そういう状況なら」
です。"make an announcement"は「発表する、公表する、アナウンス
をする」です。"before too long"は直訳で「長すぎる前に」
Ex: When are you guys making an announcement of your engagement?
S: Wendy
J: Phil
H: タラにまた会えてよかったよ。彼女オーストラリアで間違いなく快適な
C: ええそうだったわね。 何かいい知らせがあるんじゃないかと思わせるわね。
H: どういうこと?
C: え、気がつかなかった?
H: 気がつくって何を?
C: いやだわ、もう! 丸みを帯びた腹部、ゆったりした服、おなかにずっと
C: それはどうかしら。だって彼女、デイヴと結婚する1週間前まで私たちに
H: ああ。でも赤ちゃんができるってことはまたちょっと違うだろう?
C: まぁ公表する前にもうちょっと妊娠が順調になるまで待ってる、って
H: ああ、そういえば彼女お酒を飲んでなかったな。いつもと違うよ。
C: ほらね? 絶対に何かあるのよ。
H: じゃあもしそうだとしたら、いずれそのうち公表すると思うよ。
C: 「なんで憶測で時間を無駄にするのか」ってどういうこと?!