Lesson 545
Tina and her family have just moved into the area. She is buying something from the local convenience store and starts a conversation with the shop keeper.
Tina and her family have just moved into the area. She is buying something from the local convenience store and starts a conversation with the shop keeper.
S: Shop keeper
T: Tina
S: Morning, haven’t seen you here before!
T: No, I’m new around here, just moved in last weekend.
S: Well I hope you’re settling in OK. Hot enough for you?!
T: Isn’t it! I was wondering, could you tell me where there’s a
good park in the city? I’ve got a couple of dogs I need to let
loose every now and then.
S: You can’t go wrong with Anderson Park, it’s huge. Used to be a
race course, you know. Just follow this main road for about 5
minutes and you’ll see it on your left. Can’t miss it.
T: Thanks for that. Know any good family restaurants? I’ve got a
husband and two kids, well, more like THREE kids! We want to
treat ourselves to a night out, and get to know the local
shops and things.
S: There’s an excellent buffet style restaurant near the post
office in town. I mean, buffet restaurants are usually pretty
average, but this one’s really nice, a bit pricey though.
Oh, what’s the name again? It’s on the tip of my tongue…
T: Oh, I think I know the one. Does it have a big picture of a farmer?
S: Yes! Aah, Farmer Jack’s! That’s the name. I’m sure your kids
would love it.
T: Well the kids need to be picked up from school so I better
hit the road. Thanks again for your help.
S: No problem, see you again!
★★ No, I'm new around here, just moved in last weekend.
"move in"は「引っ越してくる、〜に入居する」で、その反対
"move out"で「引っ越す、立ち退く、転出する、家を出る」となります。
Ex: "When are you going to move in your new house?"
★★ I've got a couple of dogs I need to let loose every now and then.
"have got"で「持っている、所有している」です。"a couple of〜"は、
の他に「解き放す、自由な」という意味があり、"let loose"で
「開放する、好きなようにさせる」となります。"every now and then"
Ex: "Stop by every now and then!"
★★★It's on the tip of my tongue…
Ex: "Who is she talking with Tom, there?"
"Oh, don't know? She is…, uh… Gee, it's on the tip of my tongue!"
(え、知らないの? 彼女は・・・あー・・・うわ〜、喉まで出かかってるのに!)
★★ Well the kids need to be picked up from school so I better hit the road.
"pick up"はここでは「車で迎えに行く、車で拾う」の意味ですが、
多数広範な意味があります。"hit the road"は「出発する、出掛ける」
と思ったときに使います。"I've got to go (now)."も
Ex: "It's about time we hit the road."
S: Shop keeper
T: Tina
S: おはようございます、初めてですね!
T: ええ、先週末に越してきたばかりで、ここでは新入りなんですよ。
S: じゃあ早く慣れるといいですね。十分あたたかいですか?
T: ええ大丈夫ですよ! あのう、この街でどこにいい公園があるか
教えていただけますか? 犬を2頭飼っていて時々放してやらないといけ
S: アンダーソン・パークはすごく大きいから間違えずに行けますよ。
T: ありがとう。どこかいいファミレス知ってます? 主人と子供が
S: 街の郵便局の近くにバイキング形式のすごくいいレストランがありますよ。
T: ああ、私そこ知ってると思う。農夫の大きな絵があります?
S: そう!あ〜、ファーマー・ジャック!それが名前だ。絶対お子さんたち
T: あ、じゃあ、子供たちを学校に迎えに行かないとなんで、
S: お安い御用ですよ、じゃあまた!