Lesson 548
Mike has had an accident and hurt himself. He goes to the doctor.
Mike has had an accident and hurt himself. He goes to the doctor.
D: Doctor
M: Mike
D: Good afternoon, Mike. What seems to be the problem today?
M: Hi Doc. I’m in quite a bit of pain. I think I’ve cracked
one of my ribs.
D: That doesn’t sound too good. Let’s take a look, now.
M: Ow!
D: Mmm. It certainly looks that way. What happened?
M: Well, to tell you the truth, it’s kind of embarrassing.
My son got a Superman figurine for Christmas, and was trying to
make it fly you see, and he threw it up onto the roof by accident.
I was climbing up to retrieve it when I slipped and hit the edge
of the roof.
D: Oh dear! I haven’t heard that one before.
M: No kidding. So, what’s the story, Doc?
D: Well, I’m pretty sure you have a broken rib, but just to make sure,
I’m going to send you down the hall to get a couple of chest X-rays.
Take this form with you and give it to the nurse at the desk.
M: OK then.
D: Oh, and one more thing. I have to ask, did you manage to get
Superman down?
M: Ha. Yeah, I threw him down just before I slipped.
D: (Laughs) I’m glad to hear that. Well, I’ll see you again after
you get your X-rays done, then.
M: Yeah, thanks.
★ I think I've cracked one of my ribs.
"have cracked"で、「ひびを入れた」後、「今もひびが入っている」
状態ということです。"one of"は「〜のひとつ」ですね。
Ex:"I think I've broken the hair dryer."
★★★So, what's the story, Doc?
"so"は「それで」です。"What's the story?"はここでは
なるのか? どうしたの? 何があったの?」という意味でも言います。
Ex:"Tell me what the story is, or I won't help you."
★★ Yeah, I threw him down just before I slipped.
"throw down"は「を投げ下ろす、を投げ捨てる、を投げかける」です。
"just before"は「〜の直前に、〜の少し手前に、〜の間際に、
〜を目前に控えて」という意味です。"right before"も
Ex:"Pat threw down her bag and ran away from the stranger."
D: Doctor
M: Mike
D: こんにちは、マイク。 今日はどうしました?
M: どうも、先生。かなり痛みがあるんです。肋骨1本にヒビを入れてし
D: それはよくないわね。今診てみましょう。
M: イタッ!
D: うーん。折れてるのは間違いないようね。何があったんですか?
M: それが、実を言うとちょっとはずかしいことなんですよ。息子が
D: あらまぁ! そういう話は聞いたことないわね。
M: ですよね。 で、どうなんですか先生?
D: ええ、肋骨が折れてるのはかなり確かなんだけど、確認の為に胸部
M: わかりました。
D: あ、それともう一つ。是非聞いておきたいわ、スーパーマンを何とか
M: はは。 まあね、滑る直前に投げ落としたんですよ。
D: (笑)よかったわ。じゃあレントゲンを撮り終えたらまた診察しますから。
M: はい、ありがとうございます。