Lesson 554
Ken and his girlfriend Maria are walking on the street. Suddenly, they hear a child cry.
Ken and his girlfriend Maria are walking on the street. Suddenly, they hear a child cry.
M: Look, Ken. That little girl’s balloon has been blown away to the
middle of the road, there. That’s why she’s crying. Oh…
Mother: (to her daughter) Oh, darling, I’m sorry I can’t get your
balloon back—there are so many cars over there, and I can’t
take you there because it’s so dangerous, and I can’t leave
you here and go and fetch it myself, either.
(The girl is still crying.)
M: Shall we go and pick up the balloon for them? If there’s anyone
who could do it, that would be us.
K: But Maria, the traffic is pretty heavy. I don’t want you to be hit
by a car on account of anyone’s balloon.
M: But we can’t leave the poor girl like that…wait, the light has
turned red. There are not many cars around now. Ken, go!
K: (Runs and fetches the balloon. To the girl) Here you are. Your balloon.
Mother: Oh, darling, look what this kind gentleman has done for you—oh,
thank you very much, I can’t thank you enough. Say thank you, darling.
Girl: Thank you.
K: You’re welcome. Hold your balloon tight, OK?
M: Good deed for the day, huh?
K: It was originally your idea, Maria. It was a bit thrilling though…
If there's anyone who could do it, that would be us.
If there's anyone who…は「もし…する人がいるなら」という意味。
Ex) If there's anyone who doesn't have a handout, let me know.
The traffic is pretty heavy.
直訳は「交通量がけっこう多い」。「渋滞」というとtraffic jamを
思いつく人が多いようですが、heavy trafficも使ってみてくださいね。
Ex) I was caught in heavy traffic.(渋滞に巻き込まれてしまった。)
I don't want you to be hit by a car on account of anyone's balloon.
on account ofは「…のために、…を理由に」という意味。because of
Ex) People say he was chosen for the job on account of his good looks.
The light has turned red.
There is the light.といってもOKです。「信号が変わった」なら
The (traffic) lights have changed.となります。
I can't thank you enough.
ならI can't apologize enough.となります。
Good deed for the day, huh?
「一日一善」を英語ではa good deed for a dayと言います。
M: Maria
K: Ken
M: 見て、ケン。あの女の子の風船が道路の真ん中に飛ばされちゃったのよ、
Mother: (娘に向かって)ああ、風船を取って来られなくてごめんね—あそこは
M: 私たちが風船を取りにいってあげようか?誰かが取りに行けるとしたら、
K: でもマリア、車がけっこう走ってるよ。人の風船のために君が車には
M: でもかわいそうな女の子をあのままにしておけないでしょ…待って、
K: (走って行って風船を拾う。女の子に向かって)はいどうぞ。君の風船。
Mother: まあ、このおにいさんがすごいことをあなたにしてくださったわよ—まあ、
Girl: ありがとう。
K: どういたしまして。しっかり風船を握ってるんだよ、いい?
M: 今日もいいことをしたわね?
K: もともとは君が言い出したことだよ、マリア。ちょっとスリルがあったけどね…