Lesson 788
Ken and his Japanese friend, Yoko, are talking.
Ken: Yoko, I have a question.
Yoko: Yeah?
Ken: What’s “shopping refugees”?
Yoko: Shopping refugees?
Ken: Yeah, it says here … “This service is for so-called shopping refugees.” I’ve never heard of such an expression.
Yoko: Ah, shopping refugees is a term for people, mainly old people, who have difficulty shopping because of health or a lack of shopping facilities nearby.
Ken: I see … but why “refugees”?
Yoko: It’s a pretty strong word, isn’t it?
This service is for so-called shopping refugees.
(このサービスは、いわゆるshopping refugeesのためのものだって。)
shopping refugees(買い物難民)の定義は、次のヨーコのセリフの通りですが、ここでなぜso-called(いわゆる)となっているか、というと、shopping refugeesという言葉は英語としてまだ市民権を得ていないからです。
Ah, shopping refugees is a term for people, mainly old people, who have difficulty shopping because of health or a lack of shopping facilities nearby.
K: ヨーコ、質問があるんだけど。
Y: ん?
K: “shopping refugees”って何?
Y: Shopping refugees?
K: そう、ここに書いてあるんだけど…「このサービスは、いわゆるshopping refugeesのためのものだ」って。 聞いたことない表現でね。
Y: ああ、買い物難民って言うのは、健康上の理由や、近所にお店がないために買い物がしづらい状態にある、主に高齢者の人々を指すための言葉なの。
K: なるほど…しかしどうして「難民」なんだ?
Y: けっこう強い言葉よね。