Scene 5-11 Shipwreck ~難破船~
It's now Sam's turn to admit that the two of them are acting quite silly. He goes to the formal dinner to find Joan and talk to her.
Sam: Joan, Joan. Look, I came to talk to you. I… I just –
Joan: Nice tuxedo, Sammie. I don’t remember seeing it on the buffet. Where did you get it?
Sam: I rented it. Why do you have to say things like that? Anyway, I came here to apologize. This morning, I was hung over. I shouldn’t have said what I said. I guess I was feeling a little jealous, if you can believe that. I saw you and that guy –
Joan: That guy is happily married, and I spent a lovely evening with he and his wife, and some other couples. It seems that this is almost exclusively a couples’ cruise.
Sam: I see…Well, anyway I guess I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions like that.
Joan: Or gotten so filthy drunk over it.
Sam: What I’m trying to say is that I’m sorry, and I want to talk with you.
Joan: Well, I’m having dinner now.
Sam: How about after dinner?
Joan: Very well. I’ll meet you on the forward deck.
Words & Phrases
Sam: ジョアン、ジョアン、ちょっと、話があるんだ、僕はただ−
Joan: 素敵なタキシードね、サミー。ビュッフェではその服、見たことないわね。どこで手に入れたの?
Sam: 借りたんだ。なんでそんなこと言うんだ?とにかく、ここには謝りに来たんだ。今朝は二日酔いだったんだ。あんなこと言うべきじゃなかった。たぶん、ちょっと嫉妬を感じていたんだ。信じられないかもしれないけど。君とあの男を見て−
Joan: あの人には仲のいい奥さんがいて、彼と奥さんと、それに他のカップルたちも一緒に素敵な夜をすごしたのよ。これって、ほとんど全員カップルのクルーズみたいよ。
Sam: なるほど…まあ、とにかく、おそらくそういう結論に飛びつくべきじゃなかったと思う。
Joan: あんなにはしたなく飲みすぎたりもね。
Sam: 僕が言いたいのは、悪かったってこと、それに、一緒に話したいんだ。
Joan: そうねぇ、私は今食事中なのよ。
Sam: 食事の後はどう?
Joan: いいわよ。前方デッキで会いましょう。